AndresTraks / BulletSharpPInvoke

.NET wrapper for the Bullet physics library using Platform Invoke

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CMake crash when trying to generate solution for libbulletc

Krakean opened this issue · comments

Here is the video:

Crash happens on CMake 3.9.6 and CMake 3.10.2
Visual Studio 2017 also cant open CMake lists when using a feature "Open from Folder"

Update: seems like something wrong with CMakeLists.txt when binary folder is set: (take a look at path...)
Heh. Its created so many "bullet" subfolders so I even can't delete root folder :)

Removing this line frrom CMakeLists.txt:

solves the problem with CMake crash.

The CMake script looks for Bullet in the locations defined in the "FIND_PATH(BULLET_INCLUDE_DIR..." block.
Since Bullet is in an unexpected folder (../../BulletSDK), the script is not able to find it. For example, the build instructions specify using ../../bullet3.
The fact that CMake crashes because of this is a bug in CMake.
You can either rename the BulletSDK folder to bullet3 or add "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../BulletSDK/src/" to the FIND_PATH block.

Thanks Andres, it helped