AndreiMisiukevich / ContextMenu

ContextView for Xamarin.Forms

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Question about Padding / Margin - very picky?

boris-df opened this issue · comments


i wonder why this class is so picky about setting Padding and Margin to relative high values?

Say I put this into a ViewCell and do this:

<context:SideContextMenuView IsAutoCloseEnabled="True">
          <Grid  BackgroundColor="LightBlue"
                      WidthRequest="{Binding Source={x:Reference stackMain}, Path=Width, Converter={StaticResource MenuFitWidthConverter}, ConverterParameter='70'}"
                      Padding="20,5" Margin="15,5">
             <Label Text="{Binding Text1}" TextColor="Black" FontSize="16"/>

<!-- the context menu -->
                                    <Frame Margin="0, 0"
                                            <Label Text="Entfernen"

It works.
But if i change the Padding / Margin of the Grid from "20,5" / "15,5" to something less, it stops working - i cannot slide the view to left to show the contextmenu anymore

So: Padding / Margin of "0" / "0" doesnt work. neither do "5" / "5" or "5, 5" / "0" etc.
I even tried to set the Padding higher than the Margin like "6,6" / "5" - nothing.

I think i didn't understand it fully :)
So i wonder if there is a rule for this to work? Is there way to have a ViewCell-Content having no border (full height/width) with this contextmenu working?

Thank you :)

Hi) You can use any value you want, but the total sum of padding/margin should be passed to the converter

WidthRequest="{Binding Source={x:Reference stackMain}, 
Converter={StaticResource MenuFitWidthConverter}, 

For example, here we pass 70 because Margin="15,5" Padding="20, 5"
Margin Left = 15, Margin Right = 15 (it total 15 + 15 = 30)
Padding Left = 20, Paddight Right = 20 (it total 20 + 20 = 40)
Grand Total = 30 + 40 = 70

So, if you want to change it to Marging="5", Padding="5" for example, then just pass 20 as parameter to MenuFitWidthConverter

I hope it helpes

Oh, i see! Thank you for this explanation. I'll try this! :)