AndreiMisiukevich / CardView

CardsView | CarouselView | CoverflowView | CubeView for Xamarin.Forms

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Is .NET 1 Standard Support a joke?

mediaexplorer74 opened this issue · comments

Hi, Andrei.

I explored your PanCardView module. I detected that you link Xamarin Forms 5. But Xamarin Forms 5 is not compatible with .NET 1/ 1.2 / 1.3/ 1.4. It is for 2.0 only. So, .NET 1 Standard support is only joke :(
Heh, I want to use PanCardView for old sweet Win10Mobile (last Win 15063 SDK don't support .NET 2 Standard). Too bad that your multi-platform samples is not universal solution as I dream...

Yes, it was a joke.
If you wish, you can download this project, downgrade forms version to needed one, then either create a local package or add the project as dependency, use it and enjoy)

Yes, it was a joke. If you wish, you can download this project, downgrade forms version to needed one, then either create a local package or add the project as dependency, use it and enjoy)

Nice idea. Good plan!
Ok, I forked your solution for PanCardView adaptation to W10M UWP :)

Cheers up!
Have a nice day / Best wishes ,
mediaexplorer74 aka Andrey