AndreiMisiukevich / CardView

CardsView | CarouselView | CoverflowView | CubeView for Xamarin.Forms

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When swipping back on iOS the menu page opens up

IeuanWalker opened this issue · comments

Is there a way to prevent the menu page from opening up on iOS when swiping back

Hi @IeuanWalker
What menu page do you mean?

@AndreiMisiukevich the master-detail/ flyout page

@IeuanWalker does it work fine on Android?

@IeuanWalker I cannot reproduce it with "MasterDetailPage"
Do you use Shell Flyout insted?
Can you build a small sample?

if (parent is MasterDetailPage && (Element?.IsHorizontalOrientation ?? false))
Probably we just need to add FlyoutItem check in iOS renderer, but I do prefer to see reproduction before committing. Cuz as I said, I cannot reproduce it on old MasterDetailPage

@AndreiMisiukevic Android seems fine.

Here is a repo (slimmed down version of our app) -

And this is what's happening -

Also, I couldn't find any docs to show how you could change the display index from the code behind. There are 2 arrows on that page, that when clicked should go to the next/ previous year.

Also, I couldn't find any docs to show how you could change the display index from the code behind. There are 2 arrows on that page, that when clicked should go to the next/ previous year

Bind SelectedIndex to ViewModel's property and change it to desired value. Don't forget to trigger PropertyChanged event.


Thanks, works like a charm :)