AndreWeiner / ml-cfd-lecture

Lecture material for machine learning applied to computational fluid mechanics

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Check of system setup exercise

AndreWeiner opened this issue · comments

Hi @JanisGeise,
please have a look at the updated system_setup.ipynb notebook.

  • commands work as expected
  • instructions are clear
  • typos/grammar

If anything comes up, please reply to this issue. Otherwise feel free to close this issue

Hi @AndreWeiner,
here some feedback regarding the notebook:


  • in case multiple versions of python an are installed, it is necessary to specify the version for the virtual environment. In this case, python3.8 -m venv ml-cfd instead of python -m venv ml-cfd (also when checking if all the requirements where installed correctly, use python3.8 instead of python)


  • in the section about git, maybe mention that the lecture repository needs to be installed somewhere in /home/... as discussed in issue #15
  • before installing ParaView, maybe mention that the virtual environment needs to be deactivated


  • an l is missing the header Install ParaView
  • maybe replace the >= in the first sentence in the Install Python section with $\ge$

Everything else worked fine.

Regards, Janis

Excellent feedback Janis, thanks a lot!