AnderGoig / SwiftInstagram

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JSON parser breaks when parsing ids of locations within photo tags

fer662 opened this issue · comments

(lldb) po error
▿ DecodingError
  ▿ dataCorrupted : Context
    ▿ codingPath : 4 elements
      - 0 : CodingKeys(stringValue: "data", intValue: nil)
      ▿ 1 : _JSONKey(stringValue: "Index 4", intValue: 4)
        - stringValue : "Index 4"
        ▿ intValue : Optional<Int>
          - some : 4
      - 2 : CodingKeys(stringValue: "location", intValue: nil)
      - 3 : CodingKeys(stringValue: "id", intValue: nil)
    - debugDescription : "Parsed JSON number <531383683876521> does not fit in Int."
    - underlyingError : nil

Instagram sends strings for ids for pretty much everything, but it seems it sends ints for locations. Huge ints at that. They don't fit in 64 bits and the swift parser doesn't like that at all.

Edited/censored offending JSON. The data within the location node hasn't been altered:

	"pagination": {
		"next_max_id": "censored",
		"next_url": "censored"
	"data": [{
		"id": "123123123_123123123",
		"user": {
			"id": "12345678",
			"full_name": "Censored",
			"profile_picture": "censored",
			"username": "censored"
		"images": {
			"thumbnail": {
				"width": 150,
				"height": 150,
				"url": "censored"
			"low_resolution": {
				"width": 320,
				"height": 320,
				"url": "censored"
			"standard_resolution": {
				"width": 640,
				"height": 640,
				"url": "censored"
		"created_time": "1515524886",
		"caption": {
			"id": "12345678",
			"text": "censored",
			"created_time": "1515524886",
			"from": {
				"id": "1297516609",
				"full_name": "Censored",
				"profile_picture": "censored",
				"username": "censored"
		"user_has_liked": false,
		"likes": {
			"count": 17
		"tags": [],
		"filter": "Normal",
		"comments": {
			"count": 0
		"type": "image",
		"link": "censored",
		"location": {
			"latitude": -22.951586524616,
			"longitude": -43.210792243481,
			"name": "Cristo Redentor Rio de Janeiro",
			"id": 531383683876521
		"attribution": null,
		"users_in_photo": []
	"meta": {
		"code": 200

It can be resolved by using InstagramLocation instead of InstagramLocation in 2 relevant places.

Hi @fer662, I'm afraid I don't understand your solution. Could you give me more details?

I meant to say
but i might have hit some kind of markup. There!