Andarist / react-textarea-autosize

<textarea /> component for React which grows with content

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Doesn't update if made to change width without re-rendering

Macil opened this issue · comments

Here's a codesandbox demo:

If you press the "Toggle sidebar" button, then the textarea gets squished by the expanding sidebar and fails to become taller to account for the further-wrapped text.

A fix would be to use ResizeObserver specifically to track changes to the element's width. ResizeObservers have had support on all popular browsers since 2020.

The window resize listener at

would be unnecessary if a useLayoutEffect call like this was present there instead which set up the ResizeObserver:

React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
  // monitor for changes to width
  if (globalThis.ResizeObserver) {
    let knownWidth = libRef.current.clientWidth;
    const ro = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
      const newWidth = entries[entries.length-1].contentRect.width;
      if (newWidth !== knownWidth) {
        knownWidth = newWidth;
    return () => {
}, []);

Additionally, even though issue #337 isn't really this library's fault, using a ResizeObserver would work around that issue as it would get triggered as soon as the textarea is inserted into the document.

@Andarist I am also facing a similar issue; once its width changes, it doesn't adjust the rows accordingly. When can we expect this to be fixed, or would you like me to raise a pull request to address it?

A PR is always appreciated but I can't promise that I will actually have time to review this. The fact that we don't quite have automated tests here doesn't help 😢