Andarist / react-textarea-autosize

<textarea /> component for React which grows with content

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Feature request `initialHeight` or `minHeight`

albertcito opened this issue · comments

I'm setting the initialHeight or minHeight with minRows={2} but it's not exactly. There is a possibility to add an initial height.

You can provide style={{ height: 10 }} for this purpose

I added style={{ height: 48 }} but the value is replaced by style="height: 32px !important;". Also, I'm using TS so I tried to add minHeight but it is not allowed.

Could you describe your use case? It sounds like you want a different height than computed through rows - this ain't possible and I'm not sure why you'd like it.

The idea that the min-height could be 48px. But with minRows={2} is height: 56px !important;. So I don't have way to set that value as min-height

Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 5 46 30 PM
source here

I guess we could remove this restriction on style.minHeight:

if ('minHeight' in {
throw new Error(
'Using `style.minHeight` for <TextareaAutosize/> is not supported. Please use `minRows`.',

Feel free to prepare a PR.


as a workaround;
textarea{ min-height: 0!important; }

Instead of initialHeight I think you can remove the height from, if minRows is not set, the component will take height from the css before the first resize.

Have thte same problem

            className="focus:pointer-events-auto border-1 rounded-sm border-[#434343] bg-[#141414] text-white hover:border-primary-accent"
            style={{ width: 365,height: 200 }}
            onChange={(e) => setNewComment(}

Only width works. The height value is replaced with "height: xxx px !important"


I created a component to work with auto-size. Maybe you can use the same library that I used to fix all your issues.


Just find another way to do it without using react default textarea element

export const Component  = () => {
       // .................
      const [textareaHeight, setTextareaHeight] = useState("auto");
      const textareaRef = useRef<HTMLTextAreaElement | null>(null);
           useEffect(() => {
              if (textareaRef.current) {
       = "auto";
       = `${textareaRef.current.scrollHeight}px`;
        }, [newComment]);

      return ( 
                     className="border-1 rounded-sm border-[#434343] bg-[#141414] text-white hover:border-primary-accent focus:pointer-events-auto"
                     style={{ height: textareaHeight }}
                     onChange={(e) => setNewComment(}