AnchyDev / BreakingNewsOverride

An Azeroth Core module to allow the display of the Breaking News section on the character select screen.

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Warden fails checks with the module active

55Honey opened this issue · comments

There are a handful of cases of automated bans by warden with banreason: Request hash reply: failed.
That hasn't happened before and started right after sending the breaking news.

  • There were GM accounts involved as well as player accounts. It's save to assume that these aren't rightful bans
  • People reported d/cs right after the auth challenge, before they could even see the character selection screen. Or they switched realms and again d/cd before they've seen any characters.

If anybody is running into this issue, my suggestion would be to just disable the module until a fix is implemented.
I'm currently busy with a team project in university so I can only fix it when I get some free time to properly investigate it.


Take your time and thanks for the work you do @AnchyDev !

Just an update on the situation regarding the Warden bans, I was able to patch the issue related to this ban however there are more false-positives somewhere in the core-side of the Warden Payload Manager. This is likely in regard to how the forced payloads are handled. I currently don't have the motivation to fix it at the moment as it likely requires some reverse engineering of Warden on my part to understand how the client is handling the payloads.

I will leave this issue open so people are aware of the problem.

These code changes to Warden could potentially fix it but needs testing for anybody that is curious:

It basically just checks if the last payload was a custom payload and skips the current one.

EDIT: Been tested, NOT FIXED

These code changes to Warden could potentially fix it but needs testing for anybody that is curious: azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk@master...AnchyDev:azerothcore-wotlk:master

It basically just checks if the last payload was a custom payload and skips the current one.

EDIT: Been tested, NOT FIXED

Is there a pull request on that topic in the emulator repository? On the other hand, create a fork, within the organization, so we can work on it if you like from there and other people can collaborate / approve the changes, without you being so aware of the issue. I am updating the module, since I am changing its name and the api needs it to have a specific format. It would also be necessary to add in the readme, the credits corresponding to yourself and to all those involved in this project.

These code changes to Warden could potentially fix it but needs testing for anybody that is curious: azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk@master...AnchyDev:azerothcore-wotlk:master
It basically just checks if the last payload was a custom payload and skips the current one.
EDIT: Been tested, NOT FIXED

Is there a pull request on that topic in the emulator repository? On the other hand, create a fork, within the organization, so we can work on it if you like from there and other people can collaborate / approve the changes, without you being so aware of the issue. I am updating the module, since I am changing its name and the api needs it to have a specific format. It would also be necessary to add in the readme, the credits corresponding to yourself and to all those involved in this project.

HeyItsBench and I tested a custom branch together and it did not resolve the issue, I do think it needs to be fixed in a totally different way so I dropped that branch altogether.

You're free to do whatever you like with that module as I've pretty much abandoned that project due to life commitments and work on other projects.

Other projects of mine you might be interested in updating:

HeyItsBench and I tested a custom branch together and it did not resolve the issue, I do think it needs to be fixed in a totally different way so I dropped that branch altogether.

You're free to do whatever you like with that module as I've pretty much abandoned that project due to life commitments and work on other projects.

Other projects of mine you might be interested in updating:

Excellent, I'll take them into account. I will try to add them to the organization, to the extent that I can update them. Thank you for everything and when you can come back, we will be here...