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Funds not arriving in Anchor Earn wallet

Clinton4552 opened this issue · comments

I was depositing UST on the from my Metamask (Avalanche) this morning and the funds have left my wallet but not arrived in the Anchor earn wallet, looking at the log in Anchor it indicates it succeeded but these are not showing and I am unsure how to trace or identify the issue.

@Clinton4552 .Same just happen to me .

@jhonatansuarez this has now corrected, Basically I had to do a transaction restore process in the Anchor protocol. To do this I went into my metamask wallet, found the activity related to the deposit, opened the Deposit Stable activity, then selected "view on block explorer", copied the "Transaction Hash" number, then went back to the Anchor protocol, clicked on my wallet address at top right hand corner, selected "Restore Transaction", pasted the Transaction Hash number into the dialog box, selected "Restore". this prompted an acceptance in Metamask, which i accepted, and once that completed and I refreshed Anchor page, my funds appeared in my Earn wallet.

@Clinton4552 thank you very much for your help , well done .

@jhonatansuarez this has now corrected, Basically I had to do a transaction restore process in the Anchor protocol. To do this I went into my metamask wallet, found the activity related to the deposit, opened the Deposit Stable activity, then selected "view on block explorer", copied the "Transaction Hash" number, then went back to the Anchor protocol, clicked on my wallet address at top right hand corner, selected "Restore Transaction", pasted the Transaction Hash number into the dialog box, selected "Restore". this prompted an acceptance in Metamask, which i accepted, and once that completed and I refreshed Anchor page, my funds appeared in my Earn wallet.

I did the same thing but this is what I received.
Screen Shot 2022-04-07 at 5 35 21 PM

You have to synchronize your wallet and debug it