Anchor-Protocol / airdropcli

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Command-line interface for claiming airdrop.

Table of Contents



  • Node.js 12+
  • NPM,
  • terracli in your path.

airdropcli can be installed off NPM.

$ npm install -g @anchor-protocol/airdropcli

The entrypoint airdropcli should then be available in your path:

$ airdropcli Usage: airdropcli [options] [exec_command] Command-line interface for claiming ANC airdrop Options: -V, --version output the version number -v,--verbose Show verbose error logs -h, --help display help for exec_command Commands: exec|x Execute a function on a smart contract query|q [options] Query state of airdrop help [exec_command] display help for exec_command


By default, airdropcli works with the default configuration which is set to be for contracts on columbus-4. This setting provides the address of contracts and specifies the setting for LCD provider, gas prices for fee estimation.

Specifying LCD settings

Each network config should define how to connect to the Terra blockchain via LCD parameters.

  "lcd": {
    "chainID": "columbus-4",
    "URL": "",
    "gasPrices": {
      "uluna": 0.15,
      "usdr": 0.1018,
      "uusd": 0.15,
      "ukrw": 178.05,
      "umnt": 431.6259
    "gasAdjustment": 1.2


airdropcli allows you to:

  • execute state-changing functions on Airdrop smart contracts
  • query readonly data endpoints on Airdrop state


USAGE: airdropcli exec|x claim-airdrop [options] [exec_command]

Execute a function on a smart contract

  --yaml                        Encode result as YAML instead of JSON
  -y,--yes                      Sign transaction without confirming (yes)
  --home <string>               Directory for config of terracli
  --from <key-name>             *Name of key in terracli keyring
  --generate-only               Build an unsigned transaction and write it to stdout
  -G,--generate-msg             Build an ExecuteMsg (good for including in poll)
  --base64                      For --generate-msg: returns msg as base64
  -b,--broadcast-mode <string>  Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default: sync) (default: "sync")
  --chain-id <string>           Chain ID of Terra node
  -a,--account-number <int>     The account number of the signing account (offline mode)
  -s,--sequence <int>           The sequence number of the signing account (offline mode)
  --memo <string>               Memo to send along with transaction
  --fees <coins>                Fees to pay along with transaction
  --gas <int|auto>              *Gas limit to set per-transaction; set to "auto" to calculate required gas automatically
  --gas-adjustment <float>      Adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation
  --gas-prices <coins>          Gas prices to determine the transaction fee (e.g. 10uluna,12.5ukrw)


USAGE: airdropcli query|q state [options] [exec_command]

Query state of airdrop

  address     (AccAddress) account to query

  -h, --help  display help for command


This section illustrates the usage of airdropcli through some use cases. All examples assume you have a key in terracli keychain called test1.

Claim Airdrop

airdropcli x claim-airdrop --from test1 --gas auto --fees=100000uusd 

Query Airdrop State of An Address

you can get information for your address with the following query:

airdropcli q state $USER_ADDRESS


This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Read more about it here.

© 2021 Anchor Protocol


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 91.9%Language:JavaScript 8.1%