bhardwajamit0193 / DjangoBlog_mark-2

This is Blog website created in Django . Django Blog website

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is Blog website created in Django


This is a simple project to practice Django. The idea was to create some basic blogging platforms.

It was built using Python 3.6 + Django and the database is SQLite. Bootstrap 5 was used for styling.

It includes a login and registration functionality.

The user has his own blog page, where he can add new blog posts and new categories. Can comment on each of the posts

Each authenticated user can like and dislike posts made by other users.

It is very easy to use


  1. Font Hand user interface for Add Blog Posts and Categories
  2. Add new features easily
  3. Add new style easily and replace old style (style.css)

How to run

  1. Install requirements

    1.1  Python 3.6 above versions
    1.2  Django 3.1 above versions
    1.3 Pillow
    1.4 Django-ckeditor
  2. Default You can run the application from the command line with Go to the root folder of the application.

    Run migrations:

    python migrate

    python runserver 8000

Django Admin

 .  Default  superUser is create
 .  Default Username ==> admin
 .  Default Password  ==> admin
 . Default Email address ==>

It is possible to add an additional admin user who can login to the admin site. Run the following command:

python createsuperuser

Enter your choice username and press Enter

Username: admin_username 

You will then be prompted for your email address:

Email address:  

The final step is to enter your desired password. You will be asked to enter your password twice, the second time as a confirmation of the first.

 Password: **********

 Password (again): *********

 Superuser created successfully.

Go to the browser and visit http://localhost:8000/admin


This is Blog website created in Django . Django Blog website


Language:HTML 57.1%Language:Python 42.9%