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One shot learning when training examples for each class are few.

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One shot learning siamese network for omniglot dataset

Implementation of the following paper

Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition (Gregory


  1. Pytorch >= 0.4.0
  2. Python 3.5+

Implementation details

  1. First download the Omniglot dataset (In this case, I have used and
  2. Clone the repository and cd in it.
git clone
cd one_shot_learning
  1. Unzip/extract the data in the workspace(above repository) as images_background and images_evaluation
  2. Run make_dataset as

This will extract the alphabets from the images_background and store it in training folder as individual training class. Similarly, it will extract the alphabets from the images_evaluation and store it in evaluation folder.

  1. Create an empty folder named model in the workspace in order to store the weights of the network.
  2. Train and test the data

Deep Siamese Networks for Image Verification

Siamese nets were first introduced in the early 1990s by Bromley and LeCun to solve signature verification as an image matching problem. A siamese neural network consists of twin networks which accept distinct inputs but are joined by an energy function at the top. This function computes some metric between the highest-level feature representation on each side. Also, the network is symmetric, so that whenever we present two distinct images to the twin networks, the top conjoining layer will compute the same metric as if we were to we present the same two images but to the opposite twins.

The aim is to first learn a neural network that can discriminate between the class-identity of image pairs, which is the standard verification task for image recognition. The verification model learns to identify input pairs according to the probability that they belong to the same class or different classes. This model can then be used to evaluate new images, exactly one per novel class, in a pairwise manner against the test image. The pairing with the highest score according to the verification network is then awarded the highest probability for the one-shot task. If the features learned by the verification model are sufficient to confirm or deny the identity of characters from one set of alphabets, then they ought to be sufficient for other alphabets, provided that the model has been exposed to a variety of alphabets to encourage variance amongst the learned features.

Siamese Networks

Siamese network is a Deep Nueral Network architecture proposed by Gregory et. al Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition. The paper proposes an architecture where using Convolutional Nueral Networks one can tackle the problem of One Shot Learning.

The model aims to solve the basic problem of image verification, given that we have very few samples of image of each class or category

The models aims to learn the embeddings of 2 separate images fed into the Nueral Network, the two embeddings are used to calculate the L1 distance between the 2 embeddings. Once the distance embedding metric is calculated, the embedding is fed into a sigmoid unit which by the magic of back propogation, learns the correct set of hyperparameters to carry out the image verification.

The model of Siamese network can be described as CNN architecture with 2 arms, a right arm and a left arm. The CNN architecture of a single arm has 9 layers, including Max Pooling and Convolutional layers of different filter sizes, as described in the paper. These 9 layers work as feature selectors for the CNN architecture. Convolutional layers are initialized with weights having 0 mean 0.01 standard deviation, also the bias hyperparameter of the these layers is initialized with a mean value of 0.5 and a standard deviation of 0.01.

The basic intuition that one can gain from the paper is that it uses the L1 distance between the pixels of 2 different images as a metric of similarity.

  • If 2 images are similar the L1 distance between them will be lower as compared to the L1 distance computed for 2 somewhat different images.
  • The L1 distance computed is then used to train the sigmoid unit to find the write set of hyperparameters.

Dataset- Omniglot

Omniglot of Lake et al. is a MNIST-like scribbles dataset with 1623 characters with 20 examples each. The large number of classes (characters) with relatively few data per class (20), makes this an ideal data set for testing few-shot classification.


Precision ~ 86% loss value sampled after each 100 batch


One shot learning when training examples for each class are few.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 98.8%Language:Python 1.2%