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PSP@k: Propensity-scored precision at k

celsofranssa opened this issue · comments

I want to implement the propensity-scored precision at k (PSP@k) as defined above:

$PSP@k = \frac{1}{k} \sum \frac{y_i}{p_i}$

where $p_i$ is the propensity of $y_i$ and $1 \leq i \leq k$.

Therefore, how could I integrate this metric in ranx?


[1] Zhang, J., Chang, W.C., Yu, H.F. and Dhillon, I., 2021. Fast multi-resolution transformer fine-tuning for extreme multi-label text classification. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 34, pp.7267-7280.

Hi, sorry for the delay.

Is this metric similar to reciprocal rank except you average over the top k positions instead of considering only the first retrieved relevant?
Could you please provide an example?

See below an example from pyxclib:

def psprecision(X, true_labels, inv_psp, k=5, sorted=False, use_cython=False):
    Compute propensity scored precision@k for 1-k

    X: csr_matrix, np.ndarray or dict
        * csr_matrix: csr_matrix with nnz at relevant places
        * np.ndarray (float): scores for each label
            User must ensure shape is fine
        * np.ndarray (int): top indices (in sorted order)
            User must ensure shape is fine
        * {'indices': np.ndarray, 'scores': np.ndarray}
    true_labels: csr_matrix or np.ndarray
        ground truth in sparse or dense format
    inv_psp: np.ndarray
        propensity scores for each label
    k: int, optional (default=5)
        compute propensity scored precision till k
    sorted: boolean, optional, default=False
        whether X is already sorted (will skip sorting)
        * used when X is of type dict or np.ndarray (of indices)
        * shape is not checked is X are np.ndarray
        * must be set to true when X are np.ndarray (of indices)
    use_cython: boolean, optional, default=False
        whether to use cython version to find top-k element
        * defaults to numba version
        * may be useful when numba version fails on a system

    np.ndarray: propensity scored precision values for 1-k
    indices, true_labels, ps_indices, inv_psp = _setup_metric(
        X, true_labels, inv_psp, k=k, sorted=sorted, use_cython=use_cython)
    eval_flags = _eval_flags(indices, true_labels, inv_psp)
    ps_eval_flags = _eval_flags(ps_indices, true_labels, inv_psp)
    return _precision(eval_flags, k)/_precision(ps_eval_flags, k)

A common characteristic of Extreme Multi-class Text Classification (XMTC) is the long tail distribution of huge label space (classes). Therefore it is recommended that XMTC methods also be evaluated with respect to propensity-scored metrics such as PSP@k (propensity-scored precision at k) and PSnDCG@k (propensity-scored nDCG at k) as described in Propensity-scored Performance at the Top.

ranx is for evaluating ranking tasks, not classification ones.
I prefer to keep it this way for the moment.
Therefore, I am not going to add the requested metric.

ranx is for evaluating ranking tasks, not classification ones. I prefer to keep it this way for the moment. Therefore, I am not going to add the requested metric.

Even as a classification task, it is often approached using information retrieval methods. Since there are millions of labels, the common approach is to retrieve a set of labels and rank them. Therefore XMTC is a ranking task. Several papers employ MRR and nDCG as evaluating metrics.

However, the labels follow a long tail distribution, and for this reason, it is important to weigh them concerning their frequencies. It would be great if you rethink and publish also the Propensity-scored ranking metric as demonstrated below.


ranx is for evaluating ranking tasks, not classification ones. I prefer to keep it this way for the moment. Therefore, I am not going to add the requested metric.

Even as a classification task, it is often approached using information retrieval methods. Since there are millions of labels, the common approach is to retrieve a set of labels and rank them. Therefore XMTC is a ranking task. Several papers employ MRR and nDCG as evaluating metrics.

However, the labels follow a long tail distribution, and for this reason, it is important to weigh them concerning their frequencies. It would be great if you rethink and publish also the Propensity-scored ranking metric as demonstrated below.


Hello @AmenRa? What do you think? I think it is not too hard. Basically, we have to pass the doc's propensity (as a simple list of weights) to the desired metric. I could try to integrate if you help me.

I guess for PSP@K, I need to change hits += 1.0 to hits += 1.0*1/pl , where pl is the user-provided propensity.

def _hits(qrels, run, k, rel_lvl):
    qrels = clean_qrels(qrels, rel_lvl)
    if len(qrels) == 0:
        return 0.0

    k = fix_k(k, run)

    max_true_id = np.max(qrels[:, 0])
    min_true_id = np.min(qrels[:, 0])

    hits = 0.0

    for i in range(k):
        if run[i, 0] > max_true_id:
        if run[i, 0] < min_true_id:
        for j in range(qrels.shape[0]):
            if run[i, 0] == qrels[j, 0]:
                hits += 1.0

    return hits

Is that right?

I suggest you first provide some simple test cases for the propensity-based metrics.
I have no time to read the related papers or debug code in the wild.

I suggest you first provide some simple test cases for the propensity-based metrics. I have no time to read the related papers or debug code in the wild.

Hello @AmenRa, sorry for the late response. I've been working on the requested test cases, which took longer than expected.

Since this request was closed, I've provided the test cases and explanations in the new Feature Request.