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INIT constrains which types can be used to implement RawMutex

agausmann opened this issue · comments

I think the lock-api crate has a lot of potential in embedded, but right now it has a limitation that implementations of RawMutex must provide an INIT constant value.

Some MCUs have their own hardware synchronization primitives, but these are unique resources / peripherals that must be owned in order to use them, and ownership is generally handed to the application through a PAC, or "peripheral access crate". They naturally cannot be obtained in a const context, and they also cannot be cloned since they rely on ownership being unique.

Peripherals like rp2040_hal::sio::Spinlock would be perfect for implementing RawMutex, but it's impossible to create a value for INIT without some kind of wrapper type that provides an illegal state.

INIT only seems necessary for Mutex::new and similar constructors that do not explicitly accept a RawMutex parameter, so I think it would make sense to move it into a separate trait. The raw mutex can still be used with the const_new constructors; it would operate similar to constructors that accept an allocator argument (Box::new_in etc.).

Sorry, the rp2040 Spinlock is not the best example, I had an incorrect assumption about how that API works.

This may still be worth considering, I still think it would be good to allow raw mutexes that can't provide an INIT. But right now I don't have a good example where that is important.

Duplicate of #117

The problem is that this would prevent Mutex::new from being a const fn, which is hugely useful when using Mutex in a static. My general recommendation is to, if necessary, perform lazy initialization in the RawMutex itself when it is first used.

If we have a trait ConstInit, then Mutex::new would just require an additional bound R: ConstInit. I don't see how that would make it non-const.

I suppose that could work. I would be happy to accept a PR that split const initialization into a separate trait. You'll need to add a separate constructor method to build a Mutex from a given RawMutex though.

You'll need to add a separate constructor method to build a Mutex from a given RawMutex though.

That already exists as Mutex::const_new (not my favorite name, but not a big deal)

const_new should be considered deprecated. Since Rust 1.61 Mutex::new is a const fn. I would like to keep that.

Mutexes that don't support const-initialization should be pretty rare, and should be exposed through a Mutex::from_raw constructor.

I also have a use for the lock_api crate in a low-level environment where, for certain RawMutex implementations, initialization cannot happen in a const context.

However, to my surprise, I've found that the following works, provided that <T as RawMutex>::INIT is never actually evaluated, e.g. via Mutex::new:

const INIT: Self = unimplemented!();

If using unimplemented!() like this is considered an acceptable pattern for downstream crates which wish to use lock_api in this way (I don't know one way or another), then perhaps all that's really necessary is just adding a function Mutex::from_raw with the same type and behavior as Mutex::const_new.

I'm happy to accept a PR to add Mutex::from_raw.