Amanieu / parking_lot

Compact and efficient synchronization primitives for Rust. Also provides an API for creating custom synchronization primitives.

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`ReentrantMutex::bump()` probably needs to adjust the `lock_count`

DavisVaughan opened this issue · comments

I've found that ReentrantMutex::bump() can result in a panic!() in the thread that it hands off to when that thread calls lock(). A reproducible example of this is the following:

use parking_lot::ReentrantMutexGuard;
use parking_lot::ReentrantMutex;
use std::sync::Arc;

fn main() {
    let mutex = Arc::new(ReentrantMutex::new(()));
    let mut guard = mutex.lock();

    let mutex2 = Arc::clone(&mutex);

    std::thread::spawn(move || {
        let _guard = mutex2.lock();

    // give the thread some time to try and lock

    ReentrantMutexGuard::bump(&mut guard);

Which results in the following traceback:

thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `1`,
 right: `0`', /playground/.cargo/registry/src/
stack backtrace:
   0: rust_begin_unwind
             at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/std/src/
   1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
             at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/
   2: core::panicking::assert_failed_inner
   3: core::panicking::assert_failed
             at /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/library/core/src/
   4: lock_api::remutex::RawReentrantMutex<R,G>::lock_internal
             at ./.cargo/registry/src/
   5: lock_api::remutex::RawReentrantMutex<R,G>::lock
             at ./.cargo/registry/src/
   6: lock_api::remutex::ReentrantMutex<R,G,T>::lock
             at ./.cargo/registry/src/
   7: playground::main::{{closure}}
             at ./src/

I've tracked this down to RawReentrantMutex::bump(). It seems like it needs to set the lock_count to 0 before the inner bump() call, and then back to 1 after it.

pub unsafe fn bump(&self) {
if self.lock_count.get() == 1 {
let id = self.owner.load(Ordering::Relaxed);, Ordering::Relaxed);
self.mutex.bump();, Ordering::Relaxed);

I'll send in a PR with a fix and a test