Amanieu / intrusive-rs

Intrusive collections for Rust

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Optimize RBTree by keeping #elements & min & max element @ top of tree

przygienda opened this issue · comments

very common to ask how many elements in the tree & smallest/largest element. Implementation would benefit from having


@ the top of the tree and according methods.

if you think you'd pull that up I can implement it.

I can accept a pull request to add min and max, those are useful to have around.

However len is a bit tricker: none of the other intrusive collections track a length, and it is generally quite easy to track externally on the side. I would prefer not tracking len for that reason.

well, loolking @ it & right now I'd also like to know whether the tree changed, i.e. mark it dirty when elements get inserted/removed (well, at least when the min/max changed). I try to implement a wrapper (maybe a better way to go about this business since otherwise generic RBTree will start get polluted).

So, utter mystery in the following code. the first assignment works fine, it goes directly over the RBTree and can run lower_bound but when I define a generic min() with bounds it tells me the key is not Ord. Well, the RBTree should somewhere contrain the key to Ord (and it seems to somehow in inner_lower_bound but unfortunately this does not seem to work when calling it in the generic implemenation of the surrounding structure). Any clue? How comes the i32 Ord is not percolating down in the generic?

/// wraps an RBTree to mark it dirty any time we pull a mutable
/// reference to it and provide min/max
pub struct DirtyRBTree<A>
        A: Default,
        A: for<'a> KeyAdapter<'a>,
    // for<'a> <A as KeyAdapter<'a>>::Key: Ord,
        <A as Adapter>::LinkOps: RBTreeOps,
// <<A as Adapter>::PointerOps as PointerOps>::Pointer: Clone,
// <A::PointerOps as PointerOps>::Value: Debug
    tree: RBTree<A>,
    dirty: bool,

impl<A> Default for DirtyRBTree<A>
        A: Default,
        A: for<'a> KeyAdapter<'a>,
    // for<'a> <A as KeyAdapter<'a>>::Key: Ord,
        <A as Adapter>::LinkOps: RBTreeOps,
// <<A as Adapter>::PointerOps as PointerOps>::Pointer: Clone,
// <A::PointerOps as PointerOps>::Value: Debug
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            tree: RBTree::new(A::default()),
            dirty: false,

impl<A> DirtyRBTree<A>
        A: Default,
        A: for<'a> KeyAdapter<'a>,
    // for<'a> <A as KeyAdapter<'a>>::Key: Ord,
        <A as Adapter>::LinkOps: RBTreeOps,
// <<A as Adapter>::PointerOps as PointerOps>::Pointer: Clone,
// <A::PointerOps as PointerOps>::Value: Debug
    fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut RBTree<A> {
        self.dirty = true;
        &mut self.tree

    fn get(&self) -> &RBTree<A> {

    fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool { self.dirty }

    fn clear_dirty(&mut self) { self.dirty = false; }

    fn min(&self) -> Option<<<A as Adapter>::PointerOps as PointerOps>::Pointer>
                for <'a> <A as KeyAdapter<'a>>::Key: Ord,
                <<A as Adapter>::PointerOps as PointerOps>::Pointer: Clone, {

pub struct inside {
    key: i32,
    v: RBTreeLink,

intrusive_adapter!(pub keyad = Rc<inside>: inside { v: RBTreeLink } );

impl<'a> KeyAdapter<'a> for keyad
    type Key = i32;
    fn get_key(&self, x: &'a inside) -> Self::Key
    { x.key }

pub struct outside {
    tree: DirtyRBTree<keyad>,

fn main() {
    let t = outside::default();

    let minv = t.tree.get().lower_bound(Unbounded).get();
    let overmethod = t.tree.min();

I found a combination of lifetimes that work, unfortunately it's a mix of 'a and for <'b>


impl<'a, A> DirtyRBTree<'a, A>
        A: Default + Adapter,
        <A as Adapter>::LinkOps: RBTreeOps,
    fn i_get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut RBTree<A> {
        self.dirty = true;
        &mut self.tree

    fn i_get(&self) -> &RBTree<A> {

    fn i_is_dirty(&self) -> bool { self.dirty }

    fn i_clear_dirty(&mut self) { self.dirty = false; }

    fn i_min(&'a self) -> Option<<<A as Adapter>::PointerOps as PointerOps>::Pointer>
            A: for <'b> KeyAdapter<'b> ,
            for <'b> <<A as Adapter>::PointerOps as PointerOps>::Pointer: Clone,
            <A as KeyAdapter<'a>>::Key: Ord,
        let tree : &RBTree<A> = self.i_get();

That's correct.

Actually you don't need the 'a on DirtyRBTree. You can do everything with just 'b.

BTW, in same vein, having lenght kept on the linked lists would be great for some implemenation logic