Alquama00s / study_buddy

an app that contains an organised list of formulae

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Study Buddy

This app lets u write and render mathematical formulae with ease. It uses a combination of HTML and Latex to typeset your notes render it beautifully store it synced between devices.



  1. Description
  2. Project structure
  3. Project roadmap
  4. License


This project aims to provide a flexible crossplatform note taking solution with help of typsetting.

Project structure

├── .github/            github related files like PR templates, contribution guidelines
├── android             flutter generated android specific code
├── lib                 contains all source codes and modules of projects
  ├──modules          contains low level APIs
├──test                 individual widgets can be tested here
├── .gitignore          stores files and directories to be ignored in commits
├── LICENSE             the open source license
├── pubspec.yaml        metadata of the project
├── pubspec.lock        stores version of every package used in the project
└──           details and instructions about the project go here

Project roadmap

  • Basic editor for writing formula --done
  • Sync system --done
  • Authentication system --done
  • ui improvements
  • better editor
  • documentations


Experienced a bug or have a suggestion feel free to create an issue.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


an app that contains an organised list of formulae


Language:Dart 99.7%Language:Kotlin 0.3%