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Icon issue on Debian 12

bert003 opened this issue · comments

Getting the following output after installing on Debian 12. Missed anything? Installed for Openbox



looks like the nerd fonts glyphs didn't get applied successfully, are you sure you did install the nerd fonts listed in the read me? can you give me the output for fc-list | grep Nerd please? thanks

looks like the nerd fonts glyphs didn't get applied successfully, are you sure you did install the nerd fonts listed in the read me? can you give me the output for fc-list | grep Nerd please? thanks

have same problem the output :
/home/hoang/.local/share/fonts/InconsolataGoNerdFont-Regular.ttf: InconsolataGo Nerd Font:style=Regular
/home/hoang/.local/share/fonts/InconsolataGoNerdFontPropo-Bold.ttf: InconsolataGo Nerd Font Propo:style=Bold
/home/hoang/.local/share/fonts/InconsolataGoNerdFontMono-Bold.ttf: InconsolataGo Nerd Font Mono:style=Bold
/home/hoang/.local/share/fonts/InconsolataGoNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf: InconsolataGo Nerd Font Mono:style=Regular
/home/hoang/.local/share/fonts/InconsolataGoNerdFont-Bold.ttf: InconsolataGo Nerd Font:style=Bold
/home/hoang/.local/share/fonts/InconsolataGoNerdFontPropo-Regular.ttf: InconsolataGo Nerd Font Propo:style=Regular

nope, try installing jetbrains mono nerd font, iosevka nerd font, and cascadia code nerd font and restart the whole wm, logout & relogin

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