AliSoftware / OHAttributedLabel

UILabel that supports NSAttributedString

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Feature request: activate links on touchBegin instead of touchEnd.

Infiniverse opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

I've got a need to have an embedded link activated when it get's touchBegin'd, instead of at touchEnd time.

Can you consider adding this patch which supports this as an optional feature please?


--- a/DrDotMaths/iOSPrototype/Libraries/OHAttributedLabel/OHAttributedLabel/Source/OHAttributedLabel.h
+++ b/DrDotMaths/iOSPrototype/Libraries/OHAttributedLabel/OHAttributedLabel/Source/OHAttributedLabel.h
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ typedef NS_OPTIONS(int32_t, OHBoldStyleTrait) {

//! If YES, pointInside will only return YES if the touch is on a link. If NO, pointInside will always return YES (Defaults to YES)
@Property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL onlyCatchTouchesOnLinks;
+//! If YES, any touched links are process on touchBegin, otherwise on touchEnd (Defaults to NO)
+@Property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL catchTouchesOnLinksOnTouchBegan;
//! The delegate that gets informed when a link is touched and gives the opportunity to catch it
@Property(nonatomic, assign) IBOutlet id delegate;

diff --git a/DrDotMaths/iOSPrototype/Libraries/OHAttributedLabel/OHAttributedLabel/Source/OHAttributedLabel.m b/DrDotMaths/iOSPrototype/Libraries/OHAttributedLabel/OHAttributedLabel/Source/OHAttributedLabel.m
index 905e52d..73d16c4 100755
--- a/DrDotMaths/iOSPrototype/Libraries/OHAttributedLabel/OHAttributedLabel/Source/OHAttributedLabel.m
+++ b/DrDotMaths/iOSPrototype/Libraries/OHAttributedLabel/OHAttributedLabel/Source/OHAttributedLabel.m
@@ -449,7 +449,10 @@ NSDataDetector* sharedReusableDataDetector(NSTextCheckingTypes types)

    self.activeLink = [self linkAtPoint:pt];
    _touchStartPoint = pt;
  •   if (_catchTouchesOnLinksOnTouchBegan) {
  •           [self processLinkAt:pt];
  •   }
    // we're using activeLink to draw a highlight in -drawRect:
    [self setNeedsDisplay];

    @@ -458,9 +461,15 @@ NSDataDetector* sharedReusableDataDetector(NSTextCheckingTypes types)
    UITouch* touch = [touches anyObject];
    CGPoint pt = [touch locationInView:self];

  •   if (!_catchTouchesOnLinksOnTouchBegan) {
  •           [self processLinkAt:pt];
  •   }
  •   [self setNeedsDisplay];

    +- (void)processLinkAt:(CGPoint)pt {
    NSTextCheckingResult *linkAtTouchesEnded = [self linkAtPoint:pt];

    BOOL closeToStart = (abs(_touchStartPoint.x - pt.x) < 10 && abs(_touchStartPoint.y - pt.y) < 10);
    // we can check on equality of the ranges themselfes since the data detectors create new results

    @@ -476,9 +485,8 @@ NSDataDetector* sharedReusableDataDetector(NSTextCheckingTypes types)
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:linkToOpen.extendedURL];

    self.activeLink = nil;
  •   [self setNeedsDisplay];


    -(void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event

Thx for the suggestion, but please submit a GitHub Pull Request instead of posting this unreadable diff code that is hardly integratable as is. (Note: submitting a Pull Request will automatically open a new associated issue, so I'm closing this one)