Algo-Phantoms / Algo-Tree

Algo-Tree is a collection of Algorithms and data structures which are fundamentals to efficient code and good software design. Creating and designing excellent algorithms is required for being an exemplary programmer. It contains solutions in various languages such as C++, Python and Java.

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Finding interesection node of two linked lists connected in y shape

Nikitha2309 opened this issue Β· comments

πŸš€ Feature

There are two singly linked lists in a system. The end node of one of the linked list got linked to the second list, forming an inverted Y-shaped list. Write a program to get the point where two linked lists merge in Python


Linked Lists are one of the data structures to which basic to advanced coding interview questions are related. Hence as many as possible algorithms should be learned on linked lists.


Linked lists are a kind of data structure which have numerous applications. Many solutions can be made using linked lists as a data structure. Hence learning as many as possible algorithms related to it helps us resolve many issues in programming.


I would request you to approve this issue and assign it to me under the label"GSSoC'21" and "Level-2" or "Level-3"
Thank you

I am a GSSoC'21 participant and I want to work on this issue. I am already familiar with this algorithm.

Please assign this issue to me under the label of GSSoC'21.

I can provide optimized yet understandable code with quality code, highly understandable comments, and easy as well as corner test cases.

I can work on this issue in Python

I have read Contributing Guidelines on Pull Requests.

@raksha009 Kindly assign me this issue under gssoc'21. I would like to work on this using C++ or java.

@raksha009 Kindly assign me this issue under gssoc'21. I would like to work on this using C++ or java.

Go ahead with cpp

Hey @raksha009
I have added the clear code
Pls review and merge
Thank you