AlexandreRouma / SDRPlusPlus

Cross-Platform SDR Software

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Errors when running on Ubuntu 24.04

S5NC opened this issue · comments


Ubuntu 24.04
sdrpp_ubuntu_mantic_amd64.deb (nightly as of now)

Bug Description
There is no noble numbat target and running fails due to the error below. It is similar to errors when other Ubuntu releases were made #604

sdrpp: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Download the file
  2. sudo apt install ./sdrpp_ubuntu_mantic_amd64.deb
  3. sdrpp

Can releases be made such that there is no need for specific OS-version release?

I can't build from source because I get the error

CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.28/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:619 (message): The following required packages were not found: - libairspy


Looks like you don't have the libraries installed (atleast for self-compile), you need to run sudo apt install libfftw3-dev libglfw3-dev libvolk2-dev libzstd-dev libairspyhf-dev libiio-dev libad9361-dev librtaudio-dev libhackrf-dev or just disable the modules (list) with -D{name}=OFF appended to the cmake ..

I can't believe I need to say this shit every time a new ubuntu or debian version is released:
You are trying to install a deb built for the wrong OS version... If you don't see a build for your distro version, build from source.


I can't believe I need to say this shit every time a new ubuntu or debian version is released: You are trying to install a deb built for the wrong OS version... If you don't see a build for your distro version, build from source.

Could we please have a release for noble?


Looks like you don't have the libraries installed (atleast for self-compile), you need to run sudo apt install libfftw3-dev libglfw3-dev libvolk2-dev libzstd-dev libairspyhf-dev libiio-dev libad9361-dev librtaudio-dev libhackrf-dev or just disable the modules (list) with -D{name}=OFF appended to the cmake ..

I didn't know I needed to do sudo apt install libairspy-dev librtlsdr-dev, how come the error message says the package name without the -dev, and apt doesn't suggest the -dev packages when running sudo apt install libairspy librtlsdr?

because it doesn't say the package name, it says the library name


I ran

wget -O
cd SDRPlusPlus-master
cmake .
make -j<N>
sudo make install
cd ..
rm -rf SDRPlusPlus-master

and now sdrpp works and it shows in the application menu as normal

Author doesn't want official build for 24.04 LTS it seems (judging from closing #1395 without any comment).

Anyway here is a build (deb inside) made by github using workflow job from above pull request:


  1. As clearly stated in multiple places (including issues,, etc), I don't accept pull request for anything except local band plans.
  2. I accept even less pull requests to create builds for an OS on which I haven't tested anything.
  3. Don't post random binaries like that.

There will be a build when it is ready and tested

Actually I saw pull request template but thought... that cannot be that crazy. Turns out it is. My mistake.

I would submit a pull request improving that template, like adding bit fat warning

"IMPORTANT NOTICE: Really, only requests that meet the specified criteria will be considered. Any other submissions will be disregarded and closed without further comment."

there but... such pull request would also be ignored.

There is nothing "crazy" about not accepting pull requests. Reviewing changes usually takes longer than just implementing them myself, especially when they're large. The time I've wasted back when pull requests were accepted more than justifies not accepting them. If you want to contribute, do like the template says and open an issue suggesting changes.

And lets not even mention the basic common sense of not adding a nightly build for an OS the dev hasn't tested anything on. YOU are not the one that is going to get flooded by angry emails the next day saying there is a problem if these problems haven't showed themselves on your system. Trust me, it happens.