AlexW00 / obsidian-note-linker

🔗 Automatically link your Obsidian notes.

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it freezes on large vaults

Mahgozar opened this issue · comments

my vault is over 2000 notes and when i use it, it first scans the whole vault which goes fine, then it take a really long time to process the result but then it just freezes and shows nothing

Hi. Can you please attach a screenshot of the developer console (ctrl + shift + i on Windows/Linux, ctrl alt i on mac)?

From my own vault (~1300 notes), I know that the plugin generally finds a lot of links (easily over a few thousand). However, the result page always worked so far. I guess that too many link results are simply too much for the UI to handle. In the upcoming version, a feature will be included that allows scanning individual notes for links (#6). Furthermore, I will look into limiting the number of results displayed in the result page to a fixed number, to avoid the issue you describe.

here is a screenshot after the plugin just crashed without showing any results
and here is the log of the console :

Hi. Can you try out the latest version? I fixed a bug that resulted in an empty result list, maybe it is related to your issue.

i tried the updated version still the same
here's a screenshot
The results window is still open in the back ground, it just shows nothing

and here's the console log - log .log

hi i tried the updated version still the same here's a screenshot The results window is still open in the back ground, it just shows nothing image

and here's the console log - log .log

Does the bug also occur when scanning only a single note?

no it works fine on single notes
although it adds all the notes to the beginning of the file not on the words themselves .
update: i tested this on a few different notes, in the ones that links are inside codeblocks (as they should be because i use the annotator plugin and the text of most of my notes ends up in a code block) the links are added to the beginning of the file not the words themselves. note that this problem doesn't occur when I use the outlinks in the obsidian itself.
but it works fine in the notes that the links should happen outside codeblocks


I'm running:
Obsidian 1.4.2
Win 10 Home
Note Linker 1.1.1

Note Linker says it's scanning 3259 files (which sounds about right, I think). When it gets to the "Building list" stage, I watch my CPU usage climb, from 13% (or less) up to about 40%, until the list appears. Then my CPU quickly climbs to around 70%. I have been unable to make any choices in the list since it freezes up. Each time I have to quit Obsidian through Windows Task Manager.

I am attaching a screencap of the single console error I saw. If there is further information I can provide, please let me know.

console msg


I'm running: Obsidian 1.4.2 Win 10 Home Note Linker 1.1.1

Note Linker says it's scanning 3259 files (which sounds about right, I think). When it gets to the "Building list" stage, I watch my CPU usage climb, from 13% (or less) up to about 40%, until the list appears. Then my CPU quickly climbs to around 70%. I have been unable to make any choices in the list since it freezes up. Each time I have to quit Obsidian through Windows Task Manager.

I am attaching a screencap of the single console error I saw. If there is further information I can provide, please let me know.

Thanks! Anne console msg

I deleted a bunch of (unnecessary) empty files. Now, Note Linker processes 757 notes -- and I am able to begin selecting which to link and etc.... this list is HUGE rn. It took me a minute to grok that each instance is being suggested for a link. I want Wikipedia-style "link only first mention" (per note). However, before I could get the scroll bar to move appreciably, there was suddenly an error, which means NONE of the links I'd already decided prior were kept.

I'd love to be able to "commit" or "accept" per note for just this reason. The dialog is also not modal, so clicking elsewhere in Obsidian cancels the plugin's action(s). I didn't see any way to identify how many links were in the list. I want to use the "Scan Vault" button for the sake of getting it done and knowing the job is complete, but I selected the last note I recalled choosing links for and looked it up. I ran "Scan Note" -- and got the same error. I took a screenshot of the error, in case it's useful.

My version stats remain as in my original post.

Note-Linker error

Probably it can help to add pagination to the whole list to reduce the number of rendered items. 🤔

First of all this is a very good plugin and it helps a lot.
Sadly I have the same problem and my workaround is that I go to the latest notes manually and refresh the links.
In my case it will be enough and solve the problem, when the feature to exclude files or folders is implemented. Then I can reduce the amount of notes a lot and rendering should not be a problem.

Here even check the checkbox cause long running tasks.

Hi. Please check out version 1.2.4, which added pagination.