AlexTheAnalyst / PortfolioProjects

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '2859.0' to data type int.

Ellai2312 opened this issue · comments

Hey, Alex.
I would appreciate it if you could help me, I can't figure out how to fix this error:
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '2859.0' to data type int.

thank you

Select dea.continent, dea.location,, dea.population, vac.new_vaccinations
, SUM(CONVERT(int,vac.new_vaccinations)) OVER (Partition by dea.Location Order by dea.location, dea.Date)
as RollingPeopleVaccinated
From Protfolioproject..coviddeaths dea
Join Protfolioproject..covidvaccination vac
On dea.location = vac.location
and =
where dea.continent is not null
order by 2,3

change the "int" into "bigint"

change the "int" into "bigint"

hi i already changed "int" into "bigint" but still give an error message
RDER BY list of RANGE window frame has total size of 1020 bytes. Largest size supported is 900 bytes.

anyone up to help? please

can you tell which SQL software you are using @Ellai2312

not able to partition by over location and date gives error byte size