AlexRamey / mbird-iOS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Article Paging

AlexRamey opened this issue · comments

Right now, the backend exposes a syncAllData and getArticles method.

syncAllData just grabs the 25 most recent articles from the API and saves them to the device.
getArticles reads them from the device.

We need some way for the user to scroll and get more articles. The backend should expose a syncLatestArticlesForCategoryWithOffset(num, category, offset, completion) function that tries to download the next batch of num articles at the given offset. On completion, it can invoke a completion closure.

Then the articleController could call this method and load more articles when it's done. Each table view cell can manage loading more articles for its specific category.

A maximum of 50 articles per category should be allowed.

Related: Investigate NSFetchedResultsController