Alex141 / CalcBinding

Advanced WPF Binding which supports expressions in Path property and other features

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use in Column/RowDefinition using '*'

erksch opened this issue · comments

Hey there, thank you for the awesome library!

Is there a way to use calc binding with RowDefinition or ColumnDefinition that use the * notation like

    <ColumnDefinition Width="0.3*" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="0.7*" />

where I would like to use a CalcBinding like this

    <ColumnDefinition Width="{c:Binding (Value + \*)}" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="{c:Binding ((1 - Value) + \*)}*" />

Is there some way to do this?