Alex141 / CalcBinding

Advanced WPF Binding which supports expressions in Path property and other features

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Error in WPF-Xaml Editor, binding is working though

RambaaZambaa opened this issue · comments

the following Tooltip-Binding is throwing an xaml-error in visual-studio:

ToolTip="{c:Binding '(myValue>0 ? \'sentence one\' : \'sentence two\')'}"

"markup extension is not properly closed".

It's working fine in the app at runtime though.

How do i fix that?

IntelliSense isn't aware of CalcBinding intrinsics and marks this as invalid syntax. As this library isn't part of the Microsoft-lead C# ecosystem, IntelliSense won't be internally updated to accomodate to this syntax.


IntelliSense isn't aware of CalcBinding intrinsics and marks this as invalid syntax. As this library isn't part of the Microsoft-lead C# ecosystem, IntelliSense won't be internally updated to accomodate to this syntax.

sound cool