Alex141 / CalcBinding

Advanced WPF Binding which supports expressions in Path property and other features

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Support for Canvas.Left, etc (attached properties)

marknuzz opened this issue · comments

A very important use case is to calculate based on the position of a component in a canvas. I don't see any support for this. Do you know the status of this?

I need to use (Canvas.Left) + Width + (some constant integer) and (Canvas.Top) + Height + (some constant integer) in my calculation.

GetPathes is stripping out the surrounding ( and ) in (Canvas.Left). I suspect this is part of the problem.

Thanks for pull request, not trivial changes, I review it and ask you questions if they appear.

A dangerous change, because it can lead to a violation of parentheses behavior. In all versions of library '(A.B)' was equal to 'A.B'. Althouth it is strange to put in parentheses only one property, I think we can violate some projects in runtime by that change.
It was necessary to forbid to take properties in parentheses in first version of library.

But I think these breakings will not be very violate.

Yeah given the amount of time between the PR and when it was reviewed there wasn't any chance I was going to touch it again