Alex141 / CalcBinding

Advanced WPF Binding which supports expressions in Path property and other features

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

String in parentheses

xmedeko opened this issue · comments

I have the expression:

<TextBlock Text="{cb:Binding 'IsNew ? \'(new)\' : Name', Mode=OneWay}"  />

But got the error:

System.Windows.Data Warning: 40 : BindingExpression path error: 'new' property not found on 'object' ''UserClientEditViewModel' (HashCode=48653125)'. BindingExpression:Path=nový; DataItem='UserClientEditViewModel' (HashCode=48653125); target element is 'TextBox' (Name=''); target property is 'Text' (type 'String')

When I remove the parentheses \'new\' then it works well.

thanks! Resolved

I notify you about build

nuget package was created, it is indexing now

Works OK, thanks 👍