Alex141 / CalcBinding

Advanced WPF Binding which supports expressions in Path property and other features

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In a datagrid, show empty instead of 0

Simonlabdes opened this issue · comments

First, i dont want to use decimal? type for every of my field...

So, in my datagridTextColumn, I have the following WORKING statement :

<DataGridTextColumn Header="MyValue" Binding="{conv:Binding '(MyValue==0?-1:MyValue)', StringFormat=C}" />

What it will do, is that when the binded property of the itemSource item is eqal to 0, it replace the 0 per -1. If not 0, then the normal value is shown.

HOWEVER, my real goal here is to show '-' if the value is zero. But I am unable to succeed, because of tons of parsing Error. here are my tries :

<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{conv:Binding '(ProchainCoutant==0?\'-\':ProchainCoutant)'}"/>

ERROR : MarkupExtension is not properly closed

<DataGridTextColumn Binding='{conv:Binding Path="(ProchainCoutant==0?\'-\':ProchainCoutant)"}'/>

ERROR : expected : "

in fact, my problem is that basically, I am just unable to set any quote (\') in my formula