AlaskaAirlines / AuroDesignTokens

Abstract UI atomic values to support the Auro Design System.

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Color Theming Tokens

braven112 opened this issue · comments

As a themer
I want to be able to theme any auro components
So that I can theme our design system

Find all hard coded color values and create an issue in each repo
Find all tier 1 color tokens
Find all instances of background-lighter, background-lightest, background-darker, background-darkest

NOTE: Using the theme switcher demo to will help in finding some of these.

Next steps to be taken (in follow up story):
Replace all hard coded color values with the appropriate token
Find all tier 1 color tokens and replace with tier 2 equivalent.
Find all instances of background-lighter, background-lightest, background-darker, background-darkest and create issues and assign to the Color Theming global milestone.
Replace all background color values with the appropriate token


semantic context

  • ui
  • border
  • depth (box-shadow)
  • color
  • background
  • background-image

state context

  • active
  • hover
  • focus
  • disabled
  • error

New Color Token Sugguestions

  • --ds-color-ui-transparent-default: transparent;
  • --ds-color-border-heavy-default: --ds-color-brand-neutral-500
  • --ds-color-icon-error-default: --ds-color-alert-error-default
  • --ds-color-icon-warning-default: --ds-color-alert-warning-default
  • --ds-color-icon-notification-default: --ds-color-alert-notification-default
  • --ds-color-icon-success-default: --ds-color-alert-success-default


  • linear-gradient with way to many color steps hard coded to various white opacities: mobile collapsed background - suggested: liner gradient between --ds-color-background-lightest && --ds-color-ui-transparent-default
  • --ds-color-brand-neutral-500 - marker position | border - --ds-color-border-heavy-default


  • Icons in both components have multiple states that do not currently have tokens, see suggested token names above

Components that have been looked through and issues have been created:

  • accordion
    • border-left: --ds-color-ui-disabled-default, rgba(0, 116, 200, 0.2) (New border token?)
  • alert
    • New icon color tokens states: error, warning, information (or notification), success
    • New border color for same states or keep as alert tier 2 tokens?
  • avatar
  • background
  • backtotop
  • badge
  • banner
  • button
  • card
  • carousel
  • checkbox
  • datepicker
  • datetime
  • dialog
    • Need new background colors for: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
  • drawer
    • Need new background colors for: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
  • dropdown
    • box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
    • hover color: rgba(178 178 178 / .1)
    • Need new icon color, as disabled state currently uses: --ds-color-text-disabled-default
    • box-shadow rule uses ui tokens and border tokens in multiple places. Should the semantic token names be consistent?
  • flight
  • flightline
  • header
  • hyperlink
  • icon
    • Need new icon tokens for success, error, advisory and warning states
    • Need new icon tokens which map to #01426a (--ds-color-brand-midnight-400) and #ffffff (--ds-color-base-white) values
  • input
  • loader
  • lockup
  • menu
  • nav
  • pane
  • popover
  • radio
  • select
  • sidenav
  • skeleton
    • Need background color for: #f9fbfc (--ds-color-brand-neutral-100)
    • Need background color for: #e2eaef (--ds-color-brand-neutral-200)
  • table
  • toast
    • Need background color for: #767676 (--ds-color-brand-gray-400)
    • Need icon colors for error and success states

Common use case needs:

  • Need transparent ui (and maybe border as it is used in many places) color
  • Do we need a none color token?
  • Should we keeping semantic token names for the same rules consistent in and across all repos? For example: box-shadow uses ui tokens or border tokens depending on what tokens we have available