AkariAsai / self-rag

This includes the original implementation of SELF-RAG: Learning to Retrieve, Generate and Critique through self-reflection by Akari Asai, Zeqiu Wu, Yizhong Wang, Avirup Sil, and Hannaneh Hajishirzi.

Home Page:https://selfrag.github.io/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The selfrag_llama2_7b model does not come out as in the example

leejaehoon1830 opened this issue · comments

I experimented using the settings provided in the example at https://huggingface.co/selfrag/selfrag_llama2_7b, but the prediction result I got was just a series of 'Model prediction: blank result'. However, when using the model at https://huggingface.co/selfrag/self_rag_critic, the results come out as expected.

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM
from vllm import LLM, SamplingParams

model = LLM("selfrag/selfrag_llama2_7b", download_dir="/gscratch/h2lab/akari/model_cache", dtype="half")
sampling_params = SamplingParams(temperature=0.0, top_p=1.0, max_tokens=100, skip_special_tokens=False)

def format_prompt(input, paragraph=None):
prompt = "### Instruction:\n{0}\n\n### Response:\n".format(input)
if paragraph is not None:
prompt += "[Retrieval]{0}".format(paragraph)
return prompt

query_1 = "Leave odd one out: twitter, instagram, whatsapp."
query_2 = "Can you tell me the difference between llamas and alpacas?"
queries = [query_1, query_2]

preds = model.generate([format_prompt(query) for query in queries], sampling_params)
for pred in preds:
print("Model prediction: {0}".format(pred.outputs[0].text))

Expected results are below
Model prediction: Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp are all social media platforms.[No Retrieval]WhatsApp is the odd one out because it is a messaging app, while Twitter and # Instagram are primarily used for sharing photos and videos.[Utility:5] (this query doesn't require factual grounding; just skip retrieval and do normal instruction-following generation)
=>But I got the blank result

Expected results are below
Model prediction: Sure![Retrieval] ... (this query requires factual grounding, call a retriever)
=>But I got the blank result

generate with retrieved passage

prompt = format_prompt("Can you tell me the difference between llamas and alpacas?", paragraph="The alpaca (Lama pacos) is a species of South American camelid mammal. It is similar to, and often confused with, the llama. Alpacas are considerably smaller than llamas, and unlike llamas, they were not bred to be working animals, but were bred specifically for their fiber.")
preds = model.generate([prompt], sampling_params)
print([pred.outputs[0].text for pred in preds])

Expected results are below
['[Relevant]Alpacas are considerably smaller than llamas, and unlike llamas, they were not bred to be working animals, but were bred specifically for their fiber.[Fully supported][Utility:5]']
=>But I got the blank result

I'm curious what your question is?Maybe I can provide some help~

My problem is simliar to #30.

Well, I got <unk>, all the text are <unk>

Do you mind providing the vllm version? Not directly about Self-RAG, but I've recently encountered similar issues when I was loading Mixtral models (e.g., examples are all blank) and I wonder if this happens due to some vllm side issue...