AgoraIO-Extensions / Agora-Flutter-SDK

Flutter plugin of Agora RTC SDK for Android/iOS/macOS/Windows

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Black screen 6.3.0 Flutter

meihdimtg opened this issue · comments

Hi everyone, I need help,

I updated the new sdk, I migrated everything,
Unless I'm mistaken, I create a live as admin of the live I see myself.

But if a user wants to join the live then I see in the counter that a user is there, but he has a black screen but he has the sound.

I couldn't stop looking left and right for nothing.


void initState() {
agoraId = Get.find().usermodel.value!.agoraUid!.toString();

void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
if (state == AppLifecycleState.paused) {
// L'application est en arrière-plan
setState(() {
_isLivePaused = true;
} else if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
// L'application revient au premier plan
setState(() {
_isLivePaused = false;

_initRoom() async {
if (_tokshowcontroller.engine != null) {
await _tokshowcontroller.leaveAgoraEngine(widget.roomId);
if ( != null && !=
authController.usermodel.value!.currentRoom) {
await _tokshowcontroller.leaveRoom();

await _tokshowcontroller.fetchRoom(widget.roomId);
_chatController.currentChatId.value = widget.roomId;


void dispose() {

void _createClient() async {
_tokshowcontroller.client =
await AgoraRtmClient.createInstance(agoraAppID.trim());
_tokshowcontroller.client?.onMessageReceived =
(RtmMessage message, String peerId) {
print("Private Message from $peerId: ${message.text}");

_tokshowcontroller.client?.onConnectionStateChanged2 =
    (RtmConnectionState state, RtmConnectionChangeReason reason) {
  print('Connection state changed: $state, reason: $reason');
  if (state == RtmConnectionState.aborted) {


Future initAgora() async {
print("INIT AGORA 1");
await [Permission.microphone,].request();
print("INIT AGORA 2");

// Cette ligne est ajustée en fonction de la méthode correcte pour votre version du SDK
_tokshowcontroller.engine = await createAgoraRtcEngine();
await _tokshowcontroller.engine!.initialize(RtcEngineContext(
  appId: agoraAppID.trim(),
await _joinTokshow();
await _tokshowcontroller.engine
print("INIT AGORA 3");
await _tokshowcontroller.engine?.setClientRole(role: ClientRoleType.clientRoleBroadcaster);
print("INIT AGORA 4");
await _tokshowcontroller.engine?.enableVideo();
print("INIT AGORA 5");
await _tokshowcontroller.engine?.startPreview();
print("INIT AGORA 6");
await _tokshowcontroller.engine?.setDefaultAudioRouteToSpeakerphone(true);
print("INIT AGORA 7");
await _tokshowcontroller.engine?.setAudioProfile(
    profile: AudioProfileType.audioProfileDefault,
    scenario: AudioScenarioType.audioScenarioChatroom);
print("INIT AGORA 8");
await _tokshowcontroller.engine?.setVideoEncoderConfiguration(const VideoEncoderConfiguration(
  mirrorMode: VideoMirrorModeType.videoMirrorModeAuto,
  frameRate: 15, // Augmentation du débit d'images à 15 images par seconde pour une meilleure fluidité sans trop augmenter la consommation de données.
  bitrate: standardBitrate, // Utilisation d'un débit binaire standard qui offre un bon compromis entre qualité vidéo et consommation de données.
  dimensions: VideoDimensions(width: 480, height: 854), // Augmentation légère de la résolution à 480x854 pour une meilleure qualité vidéo sans consommer trop de bande passante.
  orientationMode: OrientationMode.orientationModeAdaptive,
  degradationPreference: DegradationPreference.maintainFramerate, // Préférence de dégradation pour maintenir le débit d'images plutôt que la qualité vidéo, ce qui peut offrir une meilleure expérience utilisateur dans des conditions réseau variables.
print("INIT AGORA 9");
agoraId = Get.find<AuthController>().usermodel.value!.agoraUid!.toString();
print("INIT AGORA 10");
setState(() {
  _isReadyPreview = true;
print("INIT AGORA 11");
_tokshowcontroller.engine?.registerEventHandler(const rtcengine.RtcEngineEventHandler());

print("INIT AGORA 13");
if (authController.currentuser!.id! ==
    _tokshowcontroller.currentRoom.value.ownerId?.id! ||
    (_tokshowcontroller.currentRoom.value.invitedSpeakerIds != null &&
                (element) =>
   == FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!.uid) !=
            -1)) {
  await _tokshowcontroller.engine?.muteLocalAudioStream(false);
  print("INIT AGORA 14");
  await _tokshowcontroller.engine?.enableAudio();
  print("INIT AGORA 15");
} else {
  print("INIT AGORA 15");
  await _tokshowcontroller.engine
      ?.setClientRole(role: ClientRoleType.clientRoleAudience);
print("INIT AGORA 16");
_tokshowcontroller.audioMuted.value = false;
print("INIT AGORA 17");


Future _joinTokshow() async {
// Assurez-vous que 'agoraId' est un entier valide
int uid = authController.currentuser!.agoraUid ?? 0;
String channelId =!;

await _tokshowcontroller.engine?.joinChannel(
  token: _tokshowcontroller.currentRoom.value.token!,
  channelId: channelId,
  uid: uid,
  options: const ChannelMediaOptions(),
print("Channel joined successfully");

// Configuration des gestionnaires d'événements
  onJoinChannelSuccess: (RtcConnection connection, int uid) {
    print("joinChannelSuccess: Channel ${connection.channelId}, uid: $uid");
  onUserJoined: (RtcConnection connection, int uid, int elapsed) {
    print("userJoined: uid: $uid, elapsed: $elapsed ms");
  // Ajoutez d'autres gestionnaires d'événements selon vos besoins...


void _login() async {
var token = await RoomAPI().getRoomToken(agoraId);
await _tokshowcontroller.client?.login(token, agoraId);
print('Login success: ');

void _joinChannel() async {
String channelId =!;
_tokshowcontroller.rtmChannel = await _createChannel(channelId);
await _tokshowcontroller.rtmChannel?.join();

print('Join channel success.');


void _initRoomData() {
print("INIT ROOM DATA 1");
"${authController.usermodel.value!.firstName!} $joined 👋",
print("INIT ROOM DATA 2");
print("INIT ROOM DATA 3");
_tokshowcontroller.currentRoom.value.userIds!.map((e) => e.agoraUid!));

if (_tokshowcontroller.currentRoom.value.activeAuctionId != null &&
    _tokshowcontroller.currentRoom.value.activeAuctionId!.started == true) {
  if (_checkOwner() == true) {
  } else {
print("INIT ROOM DATA 4");
if ((authController.usermodel.value!.defautPaymentMethod == null || _tokshowcontroller.selectedShippingMethod.value?.id == null) &&
    _checkOwner() == false) {
print("INIT ROOM DATA 5");


Future<AgoraRtmChannel?> _createChannel(String name) async {
AgoraRtmChannel? channel =
await _tokshowcontroller.client?.createChannel(name);
channel?.onMemberJoined = (RtmChannelMember member) {
"onMemberJoined ${member.userId} ${_tokshowcontroller.activeUsers}");
if (_tokshowcontroller.activeUsers
.indexWhere((element) => element == int.parse(member.userId)) ==
-1) {
channel?.onMemberLeft = (RtmChannelMember member) {
.removeWhere((element) => element == int.parse(member.userId));
channel?.onMessageReceived =
(RtmMessage message, RtmChannelMember member) {
var decodedData = jsonDecode(message.text);
var startmylive = _tokshowcontroller.roomListeners(
print("start my live");

return channel;


bool _isReadyPreview = false;

Can you share the API logs?

flutter: Connection state changed: RtmConnectionState.connecting, reason: RtmConnectionChangeReason.login
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_initialize_0320339 params "{"context":{"appId":"090***************a57"}}"
[Client] Updating selectors after delegate removal failed with: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service on pid 85 named was invalidated from this process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service on pid 85 named was invalidated from this process.}
fp 16 is 1
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_initialize_0320339 result 0 outdata {"result":0}
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setAppType params "{"appType":4}"
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setAppType result 0 outdata {"result":0}
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setupLocalVideo_acc9c38 params "{"canvas":{"uid":0,"view":5318972384}}"
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setupLocalVideo_acc9c38 result 0 outdata {"result":0}
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setChannelProfile_a78fa4f params "{"profile":1}"
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setChannelProfile_a78fa4f result 0 outdata {"result":0}
flutter: INIT AGORA 3
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setClientRole_3426fa6 params "{"role":1,"options":null}"
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setClientRole_3426fa6 result 0 outdata {"result":0}
flutter: INIT AGORA 4
flutter: INIT AGORA 5
flutter: INIT AGORA 6
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setDefaultAudioRouteToSpeakerphone_5039d15 params "{"defaultToSpeaker":true}"
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setDefaultAudioRouteToSpeakerphone_5039d15 result 0 outdata {"result":0}
flutter: INIT AGORA 7
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setAudioProfile_d944543 params "{"profile":0,"scenario":5}"
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setAudioProfile_d944543 result 0 outdata {"result":0}
flutter: INIT AGORA 8
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setVideoEncoderConfiguration_89677d8 params "{"config":{"dimensions":{"width":480,"height":854},"frameRate":15,"bitrate":0,"orientationMode":0,"degradationPreference":1,"mirrorMode":0}}"
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_setVideoEncoderConfiguration_89677d8 result 0 outdata {"result":0}
flutter: INIT AGORA 9
flutter: INIT AGORA 10
flutter: INIT AGORA 11
flutter: INIT AGORA 12
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_registerEventHandler_5fc0465 params "{}"
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_registerEventHandler_5fc0465 extened params "{"event":10745133632}"
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_registerEventHandler_5fc0465 result 0 outdata {"result":0}
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_joinChannel_cdbb747 params "{"token":"007e***************IQ==","channelId":"65fc079723b181ebeb88a384","uid":666243,"options":{}}"
flutter: Erreur lors de la récupération des options d'expédition pour le point relais sélectionné : Null check operator used on a null value
flutter: Non sélectionné
flutter: Non sélectionné
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_joinChannel_cdbb747 result 0 outdata {"result":0}
flutter: Channel joined successfully
flutter: INIT AGORA 13
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_muteLocalAudioStream_5039d15 params "{"mute":false}"
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_muteLocalAudioStream_5039d15 result 0 outdata {"result":0}
flutter: INIT AGORA 14
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_enableAudio params "{}"
[info] [] api name RtcEngine_enableAudio result 0 outdata {"result":0}
flutter: INIT AGORA 15
flutter: INIT AGORA 16
flutter: INIT AGORA 17
flutter: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOjE3MTA5NzMxODUzNjksImlkIjoiNjQ1YWI4OTIzMDI2ODUzMDYxYzE5Y2M2Iiwicm9sZSI6ImN1c3RvbWVyIiwiaWF0IjoxNzEwOTczMTg1LCJleHAiOjE3MTEwNTk1ODV9.WaaqTQ2VNNWQl25XWU0wVLhgcYCatTwOAA56Ncpu7uU
flutter: Login success:
flutter: Connection state changed: RtmConnectionState.connected, reason: RtmConnectionChangeReason.loginSuccess
flutter: INIT ROOM DATA 1
flutter: INIT ROOM DATA 2
flutter: INIT ROOM DATA 3
flutter: INIT ROOM DATA 4
flutter: INIT ROOM DATA 5
flutter: Join channel success.
flutter: joinChannelSuccess: Channel 65fc079723b181ebeb88a384, uid: 258
flutter: 007eJxTYDjyeWZixg0duS9/WpdFZfTbH2y/cFYu6cLXq1apn/t+W7grMBhYGhgaGadYGBklm5ukmZhYJJqlGJmbJFqaGqRZJpqaz2D/kyoQ9Df11Nl1TIwMTAyMQAjiszGYmZkZmRgDAEYXI9s=
flutter: Chat message saved
Capture d’écran 2024-03-21 à 11 12 07

Now i downgrade 6.3.0 to 6.1.1 and now black screen for both

Can you share the API logs?

Do you have solution?

Can you also share the logs of the remote side?

Can you also share the logs of the remote side?

[GETX] GOING TO ROUTE /NewLiveTokshowPage
I/flutter (20051): eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOjE3MTEzNjgzNjkyOTIsImlkIjoiNjQ2MjE0NzM4NDVhYzUyNTgwNWQ3NWUzIiwicm9sZSI6ImN1c3RvbWVyIiwiaWF0IjoxNzExMzY4MzY5LCJleHAiOjE3MTE0NTQ3Njl9.BBwRZX5JEN4FJqkejbqiE6jRivPdamuSoZYYQbue8bg
I/flutter (20051): eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOjE3MTEzNjgzNjkyOTIsImlkIjoiNjQ2MjE0NzM4NDVhYzUyNTgwNWQ3NWUzIiwicm9sZSI6ImN1c3RvbWVyIiwiaWF0IjoxNzExMzY4MzY5LCJleHAiOjE3MTE0NTQ3Njl9.BBwRZX5JEN4FJqkejbqiE6jRivPdamuSoZYYQbue8bg
I/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](20051): controlInsetsForCompatibility not hide statusbar
I/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](20051): setLayoutParams: not fullscreen caller = android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.updateViewLayout:507 android.view.WindowManagerImpl.updateViewLayout:167 android.view.Window.dispatchWindowAttributesChanged:1259 android.view.Window.setFlags:1245 android.view.Window.addFlags:1178 creativemaybeno.wakelock.Wakelock.toggle:24 creativemaybeno.wakelock.WakelockPlugin.toggle:42 
I/ViewRootImpl[MainActivity](20051): controlInsetsForCompatibility not hide statusbar
I/spdlog  (20051): [2024-03-25 14:30:50.550] [20051] [info] [] IrisRtcEngineImpl Initialize
I/spdlog  (20051): [2024-03-25 14:30:50.595] [20051] [info] [] api name RtcEngine_initialize params {"context":{"appId":"a26***************389"}}
I/ [AGS]: Agora SDK ver 4.2.3 build 279679
I/ [AGS]: Agora SDK git ver: and branch:
I/ (00000000): RtcEngine::initialize(this:0xb400006eef32b290, {"context":{"eventHandler":"0xb400006e6f72c7b0", "areaCode":4294967295, "logConfig":{"filePath":""}, "autoRegisterAgoraExtensions":1}})
I/ (00000001):   RtcEngine::initializeEx(this:0xb400006eef32b290, context:(isPassThruMode:0 maxOutputBitrateKpbs:30000, channelProfile:1, audioScenario:0, areaCode:4294967295))
I/ (00000002):     RtcEngine::startService(this:0xb400006eef32b290, context:(isPassThruMode:0, maxOutputBitrateKpbs:30000))
I/ (00000003):       RtcEngine::initLowLevelModules(this:0xb400006eef32b290, void)
I/ (00000004): AgoraService::initializeEx(this:0xb400006ea7674250, configEx:(engineType:0, enableAudioProcessor:1, enableAudioDevice:1, enableVideo:1, context:0x29c6, bitrateConstraints:(min_bitrate_bps:0, start_bitrate_bps:300000, min_bitrate_bps:0), logDir: , domainLimit:0))
I/ [AudioRoute] initialize +
I/ WebRtcAudioRecord [JavaAdm]: [USB] Set AudioRecordRouteCallback
I/ WebRtcAudioTrack [JavaAdm]: [USB] Set AudioTrackRouteCallback
I/ [AudioRoute] AudioDeviceCallbackImpl ctor!
I/ [AudioRoute] not handle this route 1 yet!
I/ [AudioRoute] process device connect,route: 1 connect: true
I/ [AudioRoute] not handle this route 3 yet!
I/ [AudioRoute] process device connect,route: 3 connect: true
I/ [AudioRoute] Headset setup: Plugged = false mHeadsetType -1
I/ [AudioRoute] BT Headset setup: Plugged = false
V/AudioManager(20051): isBluetoothScoOn...
I/ [AudioRoute] initial Bluetooth SCO state  disable
I/flutter (20051): REPONSE REPONSE
I/flutter (20051): {"acknowledged":true,"modifiedCount":1,"upsertedId":null,"upsertedCount":0,"matchedCount":1}
I/ [AudioRoute] Monitor stopped
V/AudioManager(20051): isBluetoothScoOn...
I/ [AudioRoute] initialize -
I/ [AudioRoute] Bluetooth SCO state disconnected
I/ [CM]: succeeded to load report cache in ReportCacheDocument::Unpack(), elapsed 0, total item 6
I/ [CM]: succeeded to load from Cache File Manager in DnsCacheDocument::Unpack(), elapsed 0
E/ [CommonUtility] Unable to create PhoneStateListener, 
E/ [CommonUtility] java.lang.SecurityException: listen
I/ [cache-certs] load aut certs size: 5670
E/ [CommonUtility] java.lang.SecurityException: listen
E/ 	at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(
E/ 	at android.os.Parcel.createException(
E/ 	at android.os.Parcel.readException(
E/ 	at android.os.Parcel.readException(
E/ 	at$Stub$Proxy.listenWithEventList(
E/ 	at android.telephony.TelephonyRegistryManager.listenFromListener(
E/ 	at android.telephony.TelephonyManager.listen(
E/ 	at io.agora.rtc2.internal.CommonUtility.startMonitor(Unknown Source:49)
E/ 	at io.agora.rtc2.internal.CommonUtility$ Source:2)
E/ 	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
E/ 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
E/ 	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
E/ 	at android.os.Looper.loop(
E/ 	at
E/ Caused by: android.os.RemoteException: Remote stack trace:
E/ 	at
E/ 	at
E/ 	at
E/ 	at
E/ 	at
E/ callee: null 1591/5326
W/libc    (20051): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
W/libc    (20051): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
W/libc    (20051): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
W/libc    (20051): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
W/libc    (20051): Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
W/libc    (20051): Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
W/libc    (20051): Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
W/libc    (20051): Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
I/DisplayManager(20051): mask is 7 and Registered Mask is 7
I/ [network]: 'NETWORK_UNKOWN' -> 'WIFI' ipv4/v6 '192.******.29'/'2a01:******:710a' gw '192.******.1'/'' subtype 101 level 4 ssid '****' bssid '****' rssi -32 asu -100
I/ [SHIM] NotifyNetworkPreChang
I/ [SHIM] NotifyNetworkChanged from -1 to 2
I/ [local-ap] local ap manager initialize
I/ [ipstack]: start ipv4 detecting
I/ [ap-base] initialize ap list
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 123.******.221, 13.******.184, 3.******.239, 20.******.143, 18.******.59, 54.******.11, 18.******.64, 184.******.217, 168.******.216, 3.******.108, 15.******.208, 18.******.254, 54.******.178, 101.******.165, 52.******.111, 52.******.238, 3.******.253, 2600:******:217, 2406:******:64, 2406:******:253, 2408:******:affb, 2a05:******:239, 2406:******:60, 2406:******:108, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] initialize ap list
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 123.******.221, 13.******.184, 3.******.239, 20.******.143, 18.******.59, 54.******.11, 18.******.64, 184.******.217, 168.******.216, 3.******.108, 15.******.208, 18.******.254, 54.******.178, 101.******.165, 52.******.111, 52.******.238, 3.******.253, 2600:******:217, 2406:******:64, 2406:******:253, 2408:******:affb, 2a05:******:239, 2406:******:60, 2406:******:108, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [CS]: initialized ap list
I/ [ap-base] initialize ap list
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 123.******.221, 13.******.184, 3.******.239, 20.******.143, 18.******.59, 54.******.11, 18.******.64, 184.******.217, 168.******.216, 3.******.108, 15.******.208, 18.******.254, 54.******.178, 101.******.165, 52.******.111, 52.******.238, 3.******.253, 2600:******:217, 2406:******:64, 2406:******:253, 2408:******:affb, 2a05:******:239, 2406:******:60, 2406:******:108, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-6][tds] client: SendRequest
I/ [ap-6][tds] client: DoProcess, now: 144218156, retry times: 0
I/ create session builder 0xb400006efb6fc8f0
I/ [ap-6][tds] send message to: 50.******.121:8443, with opid: 354974936, transport type = aut(5), send ts = 144218156
I/ create session builder 0xb400006efb699fc0
I/ [ap-6][tds] send message to: 35.******.187:8443, with opid: 354974937, transport type = aut(5), send ts = 144218156
I/ create session builder 0xb400006efb74fd80
I/ [ap-6][tds] send message to: 199.******.132:8443, with opid: 354974938, transport type = aut(5), send ts = 144218156
I/ tcp_client connecting
I/ [ap-6][tds] connect to: 123.******.221:8443, with opid: 354974939, transport type = tcp(1), send ts = 144218156
I/ [CS]: Send AP Request, service_id = 6
I/ [CommonUtility] manufacturer = HONOR
I/ [CommonUtility] suspectCount = 0, hardware = qcom, arch = aarch64, baseBandVersion = , buildFlavor = magic-user, productBoard = RMO, boardPlatform = holi, manufacturer = HONOR
V/AudioManager(20051): isSpeakerphoneOn: true
I/ [RS] queryDns domain is
I/ [RS] dns parse result code: 0, servers size: 1
I/ [RS] OnParseDns
I/ [RS] refresh server priority addr: priority:  2
I/ [ap-base] initialize ap list
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 123.******.221, 13.******.184, 3.******.239, 20.******.143, 18.******.59, 54.******.11, 18.******.64, 184.******.217, 168.******.216, 3.******.108, 15.******.208, 18.******.254, 54.******.178, 101.******.165, 52.******.111, 52.******.238, 3.******.253, 2600:******:217, 2406:******:64, 2406:******:253, 2408:******:affb, 2a05:******:239, 2406:******:60, 2406:******:108, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-0][unknown] client: StopRequest
I/ [ap-5][report] client: SendRequest
I/ [ap-5][report] client: DoProcess, now: 144218161, retry times: 0
I/ create session builder 0xb400006efb74ea30
I/ [ap-5][report] send message to: 50.******.121:8443, with opid: 3086117708, transport type = aut(5), send ts = 144218161
I/ tcp_client connecting
I/ [ap-5][report] connect to: 123.******.221:8443, with opid: 3086117709, transport type = tcp(1), send ts = 144218161
I/ [rlbs] Send AP Request, service_id = 5
I/ [xdump]: xdump setting, enabled:1, upload enabled:1, save enabled:1, use config:1
I/ [xdump]: will check last crash context from /data/user/0/
I/ [xdump]: no crash or hang found about last time
I/ [ap-base] initialize ap list
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 123.******.221, 13.******.184, 3.******.239, 20.******.143, 18.******.59, 54.******.11, 18.******.64, 184.******.217, 168.******.216, 3.******.108, 15.******.208, 18.******.254, 54.******.178, 101.******.165, 52.******.111, 52.******.238, 3.******.253, 2600:******:217, 2406:******:64, 2406:******:253, 2408:******:affb, 2a05:******:239, 2406:******:60, 2406:******:108, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] initialize ap list
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 123.******.221, 13.******.184, 3.******.239, 20.******.143, 18.******.59, 54.******.11, 18.******.64, 184.******.217, 168.******.216, 3.******.108, 15.******.208, 18.******.254, 54.******.178, 101.******.165, 52.******.111, 52.******.238, 3.******.253, 2600:******:217, 2406:******:64, 2406:******:253, 2408:******:affb, 2a05:******:239, 2406:******:60, 2406:******:108, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Extension Control is initialized 0xb400006e7d78a450
W/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::addProvider agora.builtin already in use
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%noise_suppression_local_playback exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%equalization_local_playback exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%pitch_local_playback exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%formant_local_playback exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%local_voice_reverb_local_playback exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%equalization_post exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%pitch_post exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%formant_post exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%local_voice_reverb_post exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%sound_position_remote_playback exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%sound_position_pcm exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%pitch_pcm exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%formant_pcm exist
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionProviderRegistry::extension:agora.builtin%%headphone_equalizer_remote_mixed_playback exist
I/ metering collector is working, internal = 10s.
I/ (00000005):   AgoraService::setLogFilter(this:0xb400006ea7674250, filters:15)
I/ [AGS]: TDS value found for adm_android_mode : -1
I/ [RERA]: initialize event rule for space id:0
I/ create session builder 0xb400006efb691220
I/ audio options factoryname ==default: vector===6
I/ audio options factoryname ==default: vector===6
I/ [AuEng]: Audio layer get from audio options: 6
I/ [AuEng]: Audio layer get from audio routing: 6
I/ (line 54): Create
I/ (line 66): AudioDeviceBuffer::ctor
I/ (line 90): AudioDeviceModuleImpl
I/ (line 95): CheckPlatform
I/ (line 103): current platform is Android
I/ (line 125): CreatePlatformSpecificObjects
I/ (line 1539): PlatformAudioLayer
W/ set_priorities not supported!!
W/ (line 93): audio_layer_in is: 6
I/ (line 74): AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded::ctor
I/ (line 266): JVM::environment
I/ (line 188): JNIEnvironment::ctor
I/ (line 133): ctor
I/ (line 200): JNIEnvironment::RegisterNatives: io/agora/base/internal/voiceengine/WebRtcAudioManager
I/ (line 136): NativeRegistration::ctor
I/ (line 148): NativeRegistration::NewObject
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: ctor@[name=AudioDeviceWorker, id=3690], this io.agora.base.internal.voiceengine.WebRtcAudioManager@4cacb71
W/ WebRtcAudioManager: bufferPeriodMs is: 10
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: Sample rate is set to 48000 Hz
I/ WebRtcAudioEffects: canUseAcousticEchoCanceler: true
I/ WebRtcAudioEffects: canUseNoiseSuppressor: true
W/ WebRtcAudioManager: AAudio support is currently disabled on all devices!
I/ (line 416): OnCacheAudioParameters: hardware_aec: 1, hardware_agc: 0, hardware_ns: 1, low_latency_output: 1, low_latency_input: 1, pro_audio: 1, a_audio: 0, sample_rate: 48000, output_channels: 2, input_channels: 1, output_buffer_size: 480, input_buffer_size: 480, buffer_period_ms: 10
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: Android SDK: 31, Release: 12, Brand: HONOR, Device: HNRMO-Q, Id: HONORRMO-N21, Hardware: qcom, Manufacturer: HONOR, Model: RMO-NX1, Product: RMO-NX1EEA
V/AudioManager(20051): getMode...
V/AudioManager(20051): isMicrophoneMute... 
V/AudioManager(20051): isMusicActive...
V/AudioManager(20051): isSpeakerphoneOn: true
V/AudioManager(20051): isBluetoothScoOn...
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: Audio State: audio mode: MODE_NORMAL, has mic: true, mic muted: false, music active: false, speakerphone: true, BT SCO: false
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: Audio State: 
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   fixed volume=false
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamVolume streamType: 0 volume: 1
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamMaxVolume  treamType: 0
V/AudioManager(20051): isStreamMute   streamType: 0
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   STREAM_VOICE_CALL: volume=1, max=10, muted=false
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 14
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamMaxVolume  treamType: 3
V/AudioManager(20051): isStreamMute   streamType: 3
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   STREAM_MUSIC: volume=14, max=15, muted=false
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamVolume streamType: 2 volume: 15
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamMaxVolume  treamType: 2
V/AudioManager(20051): isStreamMute   streamType: 2
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   STREAM_RING: volume=15, max=15, muted=false
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamVolume streamType: 4 volume: 12
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamMaxVolume  treamType: 4
V/AudioManager(20051): isStreamMute   streamType: 4
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   STREAM_ALARM: volume=12, max=15, muted=false
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamVolume streamType: 5 volume: 15
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamMaxVolume  treamType: 5
V/AudioManager(20051): isStreamMute   streamType: 5
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   STREAM_NOTIFICATION: volume=15, max=15, muted=false
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamVolume streamType: 1 volume: 15
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamMaxVolume  treamType: 1
V/AudioManager(20051): isStreamMute   streamType: 1
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   STREAM_SYSTEM: volume=15, max=15, muted=false
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: Audio Devices: 
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   TYPE_BUILTIN_EARPIECE(out): channels=[1], encodings=[2], sample rates=[48000], id=2
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   TYPE_BUILTIN_SPEAKER(out): channels=[2], encodings=[2], sample rates=[48000], id=3
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   TYPE_TELEPHONY(out): channels=[1, 2], encodings=[2], sample rates=[8000, 16000], id=13
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   TYPE_BUILTIN_MIC(in): channels=[1, 2], encodings=[2, 4, 21], sample rates=[8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 48000, 11025, 22050, 44100], id=19
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   TYPE_TELEPHONY(in): channels=[1, 2], encodings=[2, 4, 21], sample rates=[8000, 16000, 48000, 12000, 24000, 32000, 11025, 22050], id=20
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   TYPE_BUILTIN_MIC(in): channels=[1, 2], encodings=[2, 4, 21], sample rates=[8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 48000, 11025, 22050, 44100], id=21
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   TYPE_UNKNOWN(in): channels=[2], encodings=[2], sample rates=[48000], id=30
I/ WebRtcAudioManager:   TYPE_FM_TUNER(in): channels=[1, 2], encodings=[2, 4, 21], sample rates=[48000, 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 11025, 22050], id=22
I/ (line 99): GlobalRef::ctor
I/ (line 54): JavaAudioManager::ctor
I/ (line 87): FineAudioBufferEx::ctor
W/ (line 64): [OpenslAdm] OpenSLESPlayer ctor
W/ (line 65): [OpenslAdm] OpenSLESRecorder ctor
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 50): AudioDeviceTemplate
I/ (line 160): SetActiveAudioLayer: 6
W/ (line 175): Set max buffered recorded frames 16
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 248): AudioChatModeIsEnabled
V/AudioManager(20051): getMode...
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: current audio mode: MODE_NORMAL
I/ (line 227): AttachAudioBuffer
W/ (line 1154): AttachAudioBuffer
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 224): AttachAudioBuffer
W/ (line 302): [OpenslAdm] AttachAudioBuffer 
W/ (line 310): [OpenslAdm] AttachAudioBuffer SetPlayoutSampleRate(48000)
I/ (line 225): SetPlayoutSampleRate(48000)
W/ (line 315): [OpenslAdm] AttachAudioBuffer SetPlayoutChannels(2)
I/ (line 267): SetPlayoutChannels(2)
W/ (line 224): [OpenslAdm] AttachAudioBuffer 
W/ (line 235): [OpenslAdm] AttachAudioBuffer SetRecordingSampleRate(48000)
I/ (line 212): SetRecordingSampleRate(48000)
W/ (line 243): [OpenslAdm] AttachAudioBuffer SetRecordingChannels(1)
I/ (line 260): SetRecordingChannels(1)
I/ AudioDeviceModuleWrapper:: AudioDeviceModuleWrapper: ctor 0xb400006e29765960
I/ (line 1247): RegisterAudioDeviceEventObserver
I/ (line 1166): RegisterAudioDeviceEventObserver
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 258): RegisterAudioDeviceEventObserver observer 0xb400006e6162f8f8
W/ set_priorities not supported!!
I/ agora::rtc::AudioDeviceEventManager::AudioDeviceEventManager(agora_refptr<webrtc::AudioDeviceModule>): adem ctor 0xb400006e6162f8f0
I/ (line 455): Init
W/ (line 230): Init
I/ (line 46): Init
I/ (line 209): Init
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: init@[name=AudioDeviceWorker, id=3690]
V/AudioManager(20051): getMode...
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: audio mode is: MODE_NORMAL
I/ (line 103): MonitorPlayoutVolumeChange(1)
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: monitorPlayoutVolumeChange monitor: true
V/AudioManager(20051): getMode...
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: get stream type is 3
V/AudioManager(20051): getStreamVolume streamType: 3 volume: 14
W/ (line 85): [OpenslAdm] Init 
W/ (line 88): [OpenslAdm] Init Stereo mode is enabled
W/ (line 82): [OpenslAdm] Init 
I/ (line 866): SetPlayoutDevice( device_index_: 0)
E/ (line 65): SetPlayoutDevice: Not supported on this platform
I/ (line 493): InitSpeaker
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 129): InitSpeaker
I/ (line 770): StereoPlayoutIsAvailable
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 176): StereoPlayoutIsAvailable
I/ (line 781): output: 1
I/ (line 786): SetStereoPlayout(1)
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 182): SetStereoPlayout
I/ (line 267): SetPlayoutChannels(2)
I/ (line 889): SetRecordingDevice( device_index_: 0)
E/ (line 71): SetRecordingDevice: Not supported on this platform
I/ (line 501): InitMicrophone
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 139): InitMicrophone
I/ (line 718): StereoRecordingIsAvailable
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 197): StereoRecordingIsAvailable
I/ (line 729): output: 0
I/ (line 734): SetStereoRecording(0)
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 203): SetStereoRecording
I/ (line 260): SetRecordingChannels(1)
I/ [ATWT]: set enable need more play data, id: real_adm_audio_transport_wrapper_tee, enable: 1 
I/ [ATWT]: set enable need more play data, id: fake_adm_audio_transport_wrapper_tee, enable: 0 
I/ - Gain to apply: 0 db.
I/ [AFC]: AudioFilterCompositeWithExtension name:remote_mixed_playback, extensionTypeSet size:1
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filters, extensionTypeSet size:1
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filter, extension type:10006 extension_list size:1
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filter, extension type:10006 internal_id:agora.builtin%%headphone_equalizer_remote_mixed_playback filter:headphone_equalizer_remote_mixed_playback auto_enable:0
I/ [AFC]: add extension audio filter:headphone_equalizer_remote_mixed_playback to filter composite:remote_mixed_playback
I/ WebrtcAudioEngine: CreateTxMixer
W/ set_priorities not supported!!
I/ - [Default_APM] AudioProcessingImpl::ctor(0xB400006FBF737C60)
I/ - EchoCancellationImpl::ctor(0xB400006EEE8CC8C0)
I/ ains extension not enable
I/ ains factory is nullptr
I/ ains extension not enable
I/ ains factory is nullptr
I/ NSNG: route -1, delaymode 1, fftsize 512, postfiltermargin -1.000000, enhai 1.000000, enhsta 2.000000, stabound 0.050000, gainboost 2.000000, finalmask 0.030000,staStartupLong 125,staStartupShort 31,staQuantile 0.250000,staNoiseUpdateFactor 0.844900,staSpeechUpdateFactor 0.984000,staOverdrive 1.100000,ainsResetFrame 18750,ainsKillHighBand 1,vadThreshold 0.550000,mdThreshold 0.850000
I/ NSNG: route -1, delaymode 1, fftsize 512, postfiltermargin -1.000000, enhai 1.000000, enhsta 2.000000, stabound 0.050000, gainboost 2.000000, finalmask 0.030000,staStartupLong 125,staStartupShort 31,staQuantile 0.250000,staNoiseUpdateFactor 0.844900,staSpeechUpdateFactor 0.984000,staOverdrive 1.100000,ainsResetFrame 18750,ainsKillHighBand 1,vadThreshold 0.550000,mdThreshold 0.850000
I/ ains extension not enable
I/ ains factory is nullptr
I/ NSNG: route -1, delaymode 1, fftsize 512, postfiltermargin -1.000000, enhai 1.000000, enhsta 2.000000, stabound 0.050000, gainboost 2.000000, finalmask 0.030000,staStartupLong 125,staStartupShort 31,staQuantile 0.250000,staNoiseUpdateFactor 0.844900,staSpeechUpdateFactor 0.984000,staOverdrive 1.100000,ainsResetFrame 18750,ainsKillHighBand 1,vadThreshold 0.550000,mdThreshold 0.850000
I/ - [Default_APM] Capture post processor activated: 0
I/ Render pre processor activated: 0
I/ ains extension not enable
I/ ains factory is nullptr
I/ NSNG: route -1, delaymode 1, fftsize 512, postfiltermargin -1.000000, enhai 1.000000, enhsta 2.000000, stabound 0.050000, gainboost 2.000000, finalmask 0.030000,staStartupLong 125,staStartupShort 31,staQuantile 0.250000,staNoiseUpdateFactor 0.844900,staSpeechUpdateFactor 0.984000,staOverdrive 1.100000,ainsResetFrame 18750,ainsKillHighBand 1,vadThreshold 0.550000,mdThreshold 0.850000
I/ [Default_APM] [ANS CONFIG] ngkPostFilterMargin = -1
I/ NSNG: route -1, delaymode 1, fftsize 512, postfiltermargin -0.010000, enhai 1.000000, enhsta 2.000000, stabound 0.050000, gainboost 2.000000, finalmask 0.030000,staStartupLong 125,staStartupShort 31,staQuantile 0.250000,staNoiseUpdateFactor 0.844900,staSpeechUpdateFactor 0.984000,staOverdrive 1.100000,ainsResetFrame 18750,ainsKillHighBand 1,vadThreshold 0.550000,mdThreshold 0.850000
I/ [Default_APM] [ED CONFIG] howlingActivaty = 1
I/ [Default_APM] [ED CONFIG] howlingLife = -1
I/ [Default_APM] [ED CONFIG] howlingSuppression = 1
I/ [Default_APM] [ED CONFIG] howlingBound = 10
I/ [Default_APM] [ED CONFIG] howlingTrustfactor = 3
I/ - [Default_Loopback_APM] AudioProcessingImpl::ctor(0xB400006FBF70F210)
I/ - EchoCancellationImpl::ctor(0xB400006EEE79E670)
I/ ains extension not enable
I/ ains factory is nullptr
I/ ains extension not enable
I/ ains factory is nullptr
I/ NSNG: route -1, delaymode 1, fftsize 512, postfiltermargin -1.000000, enhai 1.000000, enhsta 2.000000, stabound 0.050000, gainboost 2.000000, finalmask 0.030000,staStartupLong 125,staStartupShort 31,staQuantile 0.250000,staNoiseUpdateFactor 0.844900,staSpeechUpdateFactor 0.984000,staOverdrive 1.100000,ainsResetFrame 18750,ainsKillHighBand 1,vadThreshold 0.550000,mdThreshold 0.850000
I/ NSNG: route -1, delaymode 1, fftsize 512, postfiltermargin -1.000000, enhai 1.000000, enhsta 2.000000, stabound 0.050000, gainboost 2.000000, finalmask 0.030000,staStartupLong 125,staStartupShort 31,staQuantile 0.250000,staNoiseUpdateFactor 0.844900,staSpeechUpdateFactor 0.984000,staOverdrive 1.100000,ainsResetFrame 18750,ainsKillHighBand 1,vadThreshold 0.550000,mdThreshold 0.850000
I/ ains extension not enable
I/ ains factory is nullptr
I/ NSNG: route -1, delaymode 1, fftsize 512, postfiltermargin -1.000000, enhai 1.000000, enhsta 2.000000, stabound 0.050000, gainboost 2.000000, finalmask 0.030000,staStartupLong 125,staStartupShort 31,staQuantile 0.250000,staNoiseUpdateFactor 0.844900,staSpeechUpdateFactor 0.984000,staOverdrive 1.100000,ainsResetFrame 18750,ainsKillHighBand 1,vadThreshold 0.550000,mdThreshold 0.850000
I/ - [Default_Loopback_APM] Capture post processor activated: 0
I/ Render pre processor activated: 0
I/ ains extension not enable
I/ ains factory is nullptr
I/ NSNG: route -1, delaymode 1, fftsize 512, postfiltermargin -1.000000, enhai 1.000000, enhsta 2.000000, stabound 0.050000, gainboost 2.000000, finalmask 0.030000,staStartupLong 125,staStartupShort 31,staQuantile 0.250000,staNoiseUpdateFactor 0.844900,staSpeechUpdateFactor 0.984000,staOverdrive 1.100000,ainsResetFrame 18750,ainsKillHighBand 1,vadThreshold 0.550000,mdThreshold 0.850000
I/ [Default_Loopback_APM] [ANS CONFIG] ngkPostFilterMargin = -1
I/ NSNG: route -1, delaymode 1, fftsize 512, postfiltermargin -0.010000, enhai 1.000000, enhsta 2.000000, stabound 0.050000, gainboost 2.000000, finalmask 0.030000,staStartupLong 125,staStartupShort 31,staQuantile 0.250000,staNoiseUpdateFactor 0.844900,staSpeechUpdateFactor 0.984000,staOverdrive 1.100000,ainsResetFrame 18750,ainsKillHighBand 1,vadThreshold 0.550000,mdThreshold 0.850000
I/ [Default_Loopback_APM] [ED CONFIG] howlingActivaty = 1
I/ [Default_Loopback_APM] [ED CONFIG] howlingLife = -1
I/ [Default_Loopback_APM] [ED CONFIG] howlingSuppression = 1
I/ [Default_Loopback_APM] [ED CONFIG] howlingBound = 10
I/ [Default_Loopback_APM] [ED CONFIG] howlingTrustfactor = 3
I/ (line 66): AudioDeviceBuffer::ctor
I/ (line 212): SetRecordingSampleRate(48000)
I/ (line 260): SetRecordingChannels(1)
I/flutter (20051): ROOM ID
I/flutter (20051): {"_id":"66017c76994815691d17d039","ownerId":{"_id":"645ab8923026853061c19cc6","lastName":"Cannes","mpesaNumber":"","bio":"🌈 BEST CANNES VINTAGE STORE.\n💥 MARCHANDISE DE QUALITÉ.\n🌸 POPUP FRIENDLY.\n\n🔥 IG: Centralfripe.\n","userName":"centralfripe","profilePhoto":"","tokshows":18,"stripeToken":"","followersCount":0,"followers":["64611e79174f2802edc32dbd","64621473845ac525805d75e3","64632af4845ac525805da955","6460d91d174f2802edc303b3","6460c53826d083321da05ecd","645f5ff53026853061c1eaa3","645f87294ceb86121af463e3","645f64bf3026853061c1ed4e","642300abc6324469901ac165","64659179845ac525805def33","64661c62845ac525805dfbb2","64666b4e845ac525805e0fc2","6422d18cc6324469901ab98a","6467e6f7845ac525805e3285","6460d8d8174f2802edc3039d","63c6c1b8515b42410031fbc2","648245667a279a04a54b2722","645fcd186de9ba20c1b632e0","6482ff9a5889577421
W/ set_priorities not supported!!
I/ (line 59): SetPlaybackDataExtraProcessing processing = 0xb400006e8b7ecf18.
I/ (line 52): SetRecordedDataExtraProcessing processing = 0xb400006e8b7cdad8.
I/ (line 337): SetRecordedDataExtraProcessing processing = 0xb400006e8b7cdad8.
I/ (line 65): SetRecordedDataExtraProcessingEnable enable = 1.
I/ (line 345): SetRecordedDataExtraProcessingEnable enable = 1.
I/ (line 1233): RegisterAudioCallback
I/ (line 92): RegisterAudioCallback
I/ audio options factoryname ==default: vector===6
I/ [AOF]: Current chatModeIsEnabled: 0,has_remote_peers 0,adm_has_recorded 0, channel_profile -1
W/ [AOF]: Restart adm for recording channels changed, 1 - > 2
W/ [AOE]: update hardware ear monitor to: 1
W/ [AOF]: enable preferred aec delay: 1
I/ [AOF]: ADM will be restarted
I/ (line 354): Reconfigure
I/ (line 362): Reconfigure audio_layer = 6, audio_layer_ = 6, active audio layer = 6
W/ (line 370): Reconfigure with same audio layer.
I/ (line 1247): RegisterAudioDeviceEventObserver
I/ (line 1166): RegisterAudioDeviceEventObserver
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 258): RegisterAudioDeviceEventObserver observer 0xb400006e6162f8f8
I/ [AOE]: EnableAudioChatMode: 0
I/ (line 1327): EnableAudioChatMode(0)
I/ (line 1331): output: 0
I/ [AOE]: set adm input params, audioSource: 1, inputSampleRate: 48000, inputChannels: 2, enableEstimatedDeviceDelay: 1, enableBuiltin3a: 0, extraRecordLatency: 0
I/ [AOE]: update input sampleRate 48000 
I/ (line 1286): SetRecordParameters
W/ (line 856): SetRecordParameters(0x6d0ee79728)
I/ (line 1293): output: 0
I/ [AOE]: set adm output params, playoutBufSizeFactor: 100, ontputSampleRate: 48000, outputChannels: 2, enableEstimatedDeviceDelay: 1, enableLowlatencyPlayout: 0, extraPlayoutLatency: 0
I/ (line 1298): SetPlayoutParameters
W/ (line 900): SetPlayoutParameters(0x6d0ee79730)
I/ (line 1305): output: 0
I/ [AOF]: enable_aec: 0, enable_agc: 0, enable_ns: 0, enable_md: 0
W/ [AOF]: Reset apm capture state as adm restarted or route changed
I/ - [Default_APM] reset_apm_capture_state(0xB400006FBF737C60)
I/ - [Default_Loopback_APM] reset_apm_capture_state(0xB400006FBF70F210)
I/ [Default_APM] [AEC CONFIG] aec_config.routing = 3
I/ [Default_APM] [AEC CONFIG] aec_config.pure_aec_processing = 0
I/ [Default_APM] [AEC CONFIG] aec_config.ainlp_perf_profile_method = 1
I/ [Default_APM] [AEC CONFIG] aec_config.ainlp_reset_period_in_ms = 6400
I/ audio_device_template.h: (line 241): EnableAudioChatMode
I/ [Default_APM] [AEC CONFIG] aec_config.ainlp_reset_ratio = 90
I/ [Default_APM] [AEC CONFIG] aec_config.ainlp_fallback_period_in_micro_second = 8000
I/ [AOF]: mic selection: 0
V/AudioManager(20051): getMode...
I/ (line 324): EnableMicSelection enable = 0.
W/ apm_ains_mode already set to -1
I/ [Default_APM] [HPF CONFIG] high_pass_filter.enabled = 1
I/ (line 330): EnableAnalogAGC enable = 0.
I/ WebRtcAudioManager: set audio mode to: MODE_NORMAL curr: MODE_NORMAL
I/AudioManager(20051): setMode 0
I/ (line 287): SetRecordParameters
W/ (line 253): [OpenslAdm] SetRecordParameters sample_rate_hz_ 48000
W/ (line 257): [OpenslAdm] SetRecordParameters channels_ 2
W/ (line 261): [OpenslAdm] SetRecordParameters audio_source_ 1
W/ (line 266): [OpenslAdm] SetRecordParameters enable_lowlatency_capture_ 0
W/ (line 273): [OpenslAdm] SetRecordParameters opensl_input_bufs_ 2
W/ (line 278): [OpenslAdm] SetRecordParameters extra_record_latency_ 0
I/ (line 301): SetPlayoutParameters
W/ (line 272): [OpenslAdm] SetPlayoutParameters sample_rate_hz_ 48000
W/ (line 276): [OpenslAdm] SetPlayoutParameters channels_ 2
W/ (line 281): [OpenslAdm] SetPlayoutParameters playout_bufsize_factor_ 1
W/ (line 289): [OpenslAdm] SetPlayoutParameters opensl_output_bufs_ 2
W/ (line 294): [OpenslAdm] SetPlayoutParameters extra_playout_latency_0
W/ [BW]: (long time task) [ExternalThread ==> AgMajor] agora_service_impl.cpp:480: pickup time 0, execute time 122, overall time 122
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ create dangling client connection 0xb400006f097b7c70
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [remote:50.******.121:8443] start 0th connect, send client hello 15459640|syn, early data: 0, tags: CPTO:4e4f4e432000...(129), CID: 15821275329726604558
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ create dangling client connection 0xb400006f097c2030
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [remote:35.******.187:8443] start 0th connect, send client hello 7355522|syn, early data: 0, tags: CPTO:4e4f4e432000...(129), CID: 1182125391790505932
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ create dangling client connection 0xb400006f09776ca0
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [remote:199.******.132:8443] start 0th connect, send client hello 1951105|syn, early data: 0, tags: CPTO:4e4f4e432000...(129), CID: 14747082687438987783
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ create dangling client connection 0xb400006f0985d100
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [remote:50.******.121:8443] start 0th connect, send client hello 14807814|syn, early data: 0, tags: SNI :35302d31372d...(27), PDMD:, CPTO:4e4f4e432000...(129), CCRT:fa110cc04c5f...(24), CID: 12515453155964879063
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ create dangling client connection 0xb400006f09687d10
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [remote:104.******.75:8130] start 0th connect, send client hello 14104016|syn, early data: 0, tags: SNI :3130342d3136...(28), NELD:, PDMD:, CPTO:4e4f4e432000...(129), CCRT:fa110cc04c5f...(24), CID: 7217430612599529593
I/ RtcAndroidBridge notifyNetworkChange
W/ [BW]: (long time task) [ExternalThread --> AgMajor] android_rtc_bridge.cpp:183: pickup time 87, execute time 0, overall time 87
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [ap-base] OnParsedDns with err 0, 132.******.226, 104.******.155, 132.******.243, 104.******.67, 128.******.182, 98.******.123, 
I/ [ap-6][tds] client: OnSetDnsResult, will try to use DNS to connect
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [ap-base] OnParsedDns with err 0, 128.******.34, 45.******.17, 45.******.8, 
I/ [ap-6][tds] client: OnSetDnsResult, will try to use DNS to connect
I/ create session builder 0xb400006efb66c850
I/ [ap-6][tds] send message to: 15.******.129:8443, with opid: 354974940, transport type = aut(5), send ts = 144218229
I/ [ap-6][tds] client: OnSetDnsResult, will try to use DNS to connect
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [ap-base] OnParsedDns with err 0, 132.******.243, 132.******.226, 104.******.67, 128.******.182, 104.******.155, 98.******.123, 
I/ [ap-5][report] client: OnSetDnsResult, will try to use DNS to connect
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [ap-base] OnParsedDns with err 0, 128.******.34, 45.******.17, 45.******.8, 
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [ap-base] OnParsedDns with err 0, 148.******.28, 128.******.177, 129.******.242, 98.******.125, 158.******.170, 104.******.6, 
I/ [ap-5][report] client: OnSetDnsResult, will try to use DNS to connect
I/ create session builder 0xb400006efb66c1e0
I/ [ap-5][report] send message to: 13.******.235:8443, with opid: 3086117710, transport type = aut(5), send ts = 144218229
I/ [ap-5][report] client: OnSetDnsResult, will try to use DNS to connect
I/ [ap-base] OnParsedDns with err 0, 2a05:******:178, 2a05:******:244, 
I/ [ap-5][report] client: OnSetDnsResult, will try to use DNS to connect
I/ create session builder 0xb400006efb752420
I/ [ap-5][report] send message to: 13.******.196:8443, with opid: 3086117711, transport type = aut(5), send ts = 144218230
I/ [ap-5][report] client: OnSetDnsResult, will try to use DNS to connect
I/ [ap-base] OnParsedDns with err 0, 2a05:******:178, 2a05:******:244, 
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [ap-base] OnParsedDns with err 0, 132.******.243, 132.******.226, 104.******.67, 128.******.182, 104.******.155, 98.******.123, 
I/ (00000006): AgoraService::createAudioDeviceManager(this:0xb400006ea7674250, void)
I/ (00000007): AudioDeviceManagerImpl::setDefaultAudioRouting(this:0xb400006e5398f590, route:3)
I/ [AudioRoute] User set default routing to:Speakerphone
I/ (00000008):         AgoraService::setAudioSessionPreset(this:0xb400006ea7674250, scenario:0)
I/ (00000009):         AgoraService::registerAgoraServiceObserver(this:0xb400006ea7674250, observer:0xb400006e6f72eab8)
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ create dangling client connection 0xb400006f097b01a0
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [remote:15.******.129:8443] start 0th connect, send client hello 1740893|syn, early data: 0, tags: CPTO:4e4f4e432000...(129), CID: 15335171396456289018
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ create dangling client connection 0xb400006f0975e3a0
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [remote:13.******.235:8443] start 0th connect, send client hello 10797697|syn, early data: 0, tags: SNI :31332d313234...(28), PDMD:, CPTO:4e4f4e432000...(129), CCRT:fa110cc04c5f...(24), CID: 1801768587248273
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ create dangling client connection 0xb400006f09737560
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [SHIM] IsCryptoEnabled() = true
I/ [remote:13.******.196:8443] start 0th connect, send client hello 15702351|syn, early data: 0, tags: SNI :31332d313237...(28), PDMD:, CPTO:4e4f4e432000...(129), CCRT:fa110cc04c5f...(24), CID: 5152955661114978863
I/ [RTC]: No TDS value found for video.set_remote_video_stream_type
I/ (00000010):         AgoraService::createMediaNodeFactory(this:0xb400006ea7674250, void)
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [MPI]: AgoraMediaPlayer SDK ver 4.2.3 build 279679
I/ (00000011): MediaPlayerImpl::initialize(this:0xb400006ec36f06d0, {"agora_service":"0xb400006ea7674250"})
I/ (00000012):   AgoraService::createMediaNodeFactory(this:0xb400006ea7674250, void)
I/ (00000013):   MediaNodeFactoryImpl::createMediaPlayerSource(this:0xb400006e61682690, void)
I/ media_player_impl.cpp:502@MediaPlayerImpl|0xb400006ed1850168|mpk#0>> MediaPlayerImpl
I/|0xb400006ed180a6b0|mpk#0>> MediaReaderImpl
I/|0xb400006eee292d08|mpk#0>> MediaPlayerSourceFfmpeg
I/ (00000014): MediaPlayerImpl::registerPlayerSourceObserver(this:0xb400006ed1850168, observer:0xb400006e8b74a3d0)
I/ (00000015): MediaPlayerImpl::registerVideoFrameObserver(this:0xb400006ed1850168, observer:0xb400006e8b74a3d8)
I/ (00000016): MediaPlayerImpl::registerAudioFrameObserver(this:0xb400006ed1850168, observer:0xb400006e8b74a3e0)
I/ (00000017): MediaPlayerImpl::SetReportSender(this:0xb400006ed1850168, sender:0xb400006e8b81d810)
I/ (00000018): AgoraService::createMediaNodeFactory(this:0xb400006ea7674250, void)
I/ (00000019): MediaNodeFactoryImpl::createAudioPcmDataSender(this:0xb400006e61682690, void)
I/ (00000020): MediaNodeFactoryImpl::createVideoFrameSender(this:0xb400006e61682690, void)
I/ (00000021):   MediaPlayerSourceFFMpeg::registerPlayerSourceObserver(this:0xb400006e8b74a3d0, observer: 0xb400006ec36f06d8)
I/ (00000022):   AgoraService::createMediaPlayerVideoTrack(this:0xb400006ea7674250, playerVideoSource:0xb400006e8b74a3e8)
I/ (00000023):     MediaPlayerSourceFFMpeg::getVideoFrameSender(this:0xb400006e8b74a3d0, void)
I/ ResourceManager:registerLocalVideoTrack, track_id 10
I/ LocalVideoTrackYuvImpl: id 10 is created 
W/ set_priorities not supported!!
W/ set_priorities not supported!!
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::registerProvider agora_video_codecs_encoder_h265, 0xb400006e297bc180
I/ VideoCodecProviderRegistry::addProvider agora_video_codecs_encoder_h265
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ [Extension]: AgoraH265EncoderProvider set logctr 
I/ [VW]: Construct watermark object, this: 0xb400006e7d79f950.
I/ [VW]: Construct watermark object, this: 0xb400006e7d79b280.
W/ get extension registry success
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ [Extension]: facedetect: sdk setExtensionControl for provider
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ ExtensionControlImpl::Get Extension Control 0xb400006e7d78a450
I/ (00000024):     VideoFrameRotator::setOutputFormat(this:0xb400006e29764700, format:(width:960, height:540, fps:15, fixed:1))
I/ [Extension]: segmentation: FDVideoFilter start
I/ [LVT]: Load extension filters, size: 0
I/ [LVT]: Set Default encoder configuration
I/ [VNE]: no TDS value found for enable_hw_encoder
I/ [VNE]: no TDS value found for che.hardware_encoding
I/ [VNE]: no TDS value found for
I/ [VNE]: no TDS value found for low_stream_enable_hw_encoder
I/ [VNE]: no TDS value found for enable_minor_stream_intra_request
I/ [VNE]: no TDS value found for av_enc_video_enable_roi
I/ [VNE]: not get TDS value found for 
I/ [VNE]: TDS value found for fec_method : 0
I/ [VNE]: no TDS value found for video_skip_enable
I/ (00000025):     VideoFrameAdapter::setOutputFormat(this:0xb400006eb56a1e70, format:(width:960, height:540, fps:15))
I/ (00000026):   LocalVideoTrackImpl::addRenderer(this:0xb400006efb6f8f00, videoRenderer:0xb400006e376f0250)
I/ (00000027):     VideoFrameRotator::setOutputFormat(this:0xb400006e297c6020, format:(width:960, height:540, fps:15, fixed:1))
I/ [video] VideoNodeRenderer Start
I/ (00000028):   AgoraService::createMediaPlayerAudioTrack(this:0xb400006ea7674250, playerSource:0xb400006e8b74a3e8)
I/ (00000029):     MediaPlayerSourceFFMpeg::getAudioPcmDataSender(this:0xb400006e8b74a3d0, void)
I/ [AFC]: AudioFilterCompositeWithExtension name:pcm_source_composites, extensionTypeSet size:1
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filters, extensionTypeSet size:1
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filter, extension type:10003 extension_list size:3
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filter, extension type:10003 internal_id:agora.builtin%%sound_position_pcm filter:sound_position_pcm auto_enable:0
I/ [AFC]: add extension audio filter:sound_position_pcm to filter composite:pcm_source_composites
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filter, extension type:10003 internal_id:agora.builtin%%pitch_pcm filter:pitch_pcm auto_enable:0
I/ [AFC]: add extension audio filter:pitch_pcm to filter composite:pcm_source_composites
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filter, extension type:10003 internal_id:agora.builtin%%formant_pcm filter:formant_pcm auto_enable:0
I/ [AFC]: add extension audio filter:formant_pcm to filter composite:pcm_source_composites
I/ [AFC]: AudioFilterCompositeWithExtension name:pcm_source_sending_composites, extensionTypeSet size:1
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filters, extensionTypeSet size:1
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filter, extension type:10004 extension_list size:0
I/ [AFC]: AudioFilterCompositeWithExtension name:pcm_source_local_playback_composites, extensionTypeSet size:1
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filters, extensionTypeSet size:1
I/ [AFC]: create extension audio filter, extension type:10005 extension_list size:0
I/ (00000030): MediaPlayerImpl::getMediaPlayerId(this:0xb400006ec36f06d0, {})
I/ (00000031):   MediaPlayerSourceFFMpeg::getSourceId(this:0xb400006e8b74a3d0, void)
I/ (00000032):         MediaPlayerImpl::getMediaPlayerId(this:0xb400006ec36f06d0, {})
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [dns] parsed ip
I/ [ap-base] OnParsedDns with err 0, 148.******.28, 128.******.177, 129.******.242, 98.******.125, 158.******.170, 104.******.6, 
I/ (00000033): MediaPlayerSourceFFMpeg::getSourceId(this:0xb400006e8b74a3d0, void)
I/ (00000034):         MediaPlayerImpl::registerPlayerSourceObserver(this:0xb400006ec36f06d0, {"observer":"0xb400006eb569e770"})
I/ (00000035):         RhythmPlayerImpl::RhythmPlayerImpl(this:0xb400006ea76c69f0, void)
I/ (00000036): AgoraService::createRtcConnectionEx(this:0xb400006ea7674250, cfg:(autoSubscribeAudio:1, autoSubscribeVideo:1, enableAudioRecordingOrPlayout:1maxSendBitrate:-1, minPort:0, maxPort:0,  clientRoleType:2, clientType:0, vosList.size:0), connId:0)
I/ (00000037):   RtcConnectionImpl::initializeEx(this:0xb400006edf6ec050, serviceCfg:(enableAudioProcessor:1, enableAudioDevice:1, enableVideo:1, context:0x29c6), cfg:(autoSubscribeAudio:1, autoSubscribeVideo:1, enableAudioRecordingOrPlayout:1, maxSendBitrate:-1, minPort:0, maxPort:0, clientRoleType:2, clientType:0, channelProfile:1, vosList.size:0, recvType:(audio: 0, video: 0)))
I/ update mtu, current mtu: 1200
I/ [SHIM] CreateAp()
I/ [ap-base] initialize ap list
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 123.******.221, 13.******.184, 3.******.239, 20.******.143, 18.******.59, 54.******.11, 18.******.64, 184.******.217, 168.******.216, 3.******.108, 15.******.208, 18.******.254, 54.******.178, 101.******.165, 52.******.111, 52.******.238, 3.******.253, 2600:******:217, 2406:******:64, 2406:******:253, 2408:******:affb, 2a05:******:239, 2406:******:60, 2406:******:108, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] append predefined ip: 50.******.121, 35.******.187, 199.******.132, 118.******.38, 54.******.72, 13.******.235, 23.******.152, 112.******.46, 52.******.59, 52.******.170, 13.******.196, 106.******.130, 3.******.78, 52.******.244, 15.******.129, 13.******.137, 47.******.93, 2408:******:546a, 2406:******:78, 2406:******:190, 2406:******:196, 2406:******:235, 2406:******:59, 2600:******:121, 2a05:******:244, 2406:******:129, 2a05:******:187, 2406:******:137, 2600:******:170, 2408:******:4d0d, 
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-base] queryDns
I/ [ap-6][tds] client: StopRequest

A full log is helpful for this case, but I would suggest you submit a new ticket to Agora Support, they may look into this issue more easily.


Having the same issue. Broadcaster see his local preview and audience see his video if connected for the first time. But if audience try to disconnect and connect again, they join channel successfully, audio is working, but video don't.
I can't see specific logs except of too many this ones:
Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
Access denied finding property "net.dns3"
Access denied finding property "net.dns4"
Encountered this after updating from 6.2.4 to 6.3.0. Downgrading did not help.


Update: I removed agoraEngine.release() method after leaving channel and now everything is working fine. I believe it was problem of my implementation.

I also encountered the same problem, I have now downgraded back to 6.2.2

Have Fixed the problem

Each new user is assigned a 6-digit number for agoraUid, except that when we join the live the 6-digit number was generated again, so I created a condition that blocks the change of agoraUid so that it is unique , so I switched to version 6.2.3 and work now

Most of the time, the blank view is caused by the incorrect uid set, if you still face an error, please share the logs in the path

Here are the default log paths for different platforms:

Or feel free to submit a new ticket to Agora Support for further investigation.

Without additional information, we are unfortunately not sure how to resolve this issue. We are therefore reluctantly going to close this bug for now. If you find this problem please file a new issue with the same description, what happens, logs and the output. All system setups can be slightly different so it's always better to open new issues and reference the related ones. Thanks for your contribution.

This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. If you are still experiencing a similar issue, please raise a new issue.