Agneese-Saini / SA-MP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool - Crashes the server

Yousha opened this issue · comments

Version: 2.3.1 [BETA] (last updated on 5 September, 2016)


[join] Yousha has joined the server (0:
[debug] Server crashed while executing cnr.amx
[debug] AMX backtrace:
[debug] #0 native SetTimerEx () from samp-server.exe
[debug] #1 0000d7c0 in FIXER_ApplyAnimation (playerid=0, animlib[]=@004c9b14 "sha", animname[]=@004c9b00 "", Float:fDelta=0.00000, loop=0, lockx=0, locky=0, freeze=0, time=0, forcesync=0, delay=250) at E:\SA-MP server\pawno\include\
[debug] #2 0000d9dc in public FIXER_OnAnimPreload (playerid=0, animlib[]=@004c9b14 "sha", animname[]=@004c9b00 "", Float:fDelta=0.00000, loop=0, lockx=0, locky=0, freeze=0, time=0, forcesync=0) at E:\SA-MP server\pawno\include\

Also removes ALL login dialogs.

Download the new one, the "Patch" folder. It i stable at the moment*.