Adriandmen / 05AB1E

A concise stack-based golfing language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Slow performance compared to legacy

monkeygroover opened this issue · comments

This appears to be because rotate becomes more and more inefficient if done repeatedly on a stream, If do this:

    def rotate(value, shift) when shift == 0, do: value
    def rotate(value, shift) when not Functions.is_iterable(value), do: Enum.join(rotate(String.graphemes(to_string(value)), shift), "")
    def rotate(value, shift) when shift > 0 do
        case Enum.count value do
            0 -> []
            x -> 
                shift = rem(shift, x)
                Stream.concat(value |> Stream.drop(shift), value |> Stream.take(shift)) |> Enum.to_list
    def rotate(value, shift) when shift < 0 do
        case Enum.count value do
            0 -> []
            x ->
                shift = rem(shift, x)
                Stream.concat(value |> Stream.take(shift), value |> Stream.drop(shift)) |> Enum.to_list

It's very fast again.

Not sure if there are any downsides, going to run the tests. But using rotate on large streams probably isn't a good idea anyway.

Yeah, there were a couple of downsides after rewriting this from Python to Elixir. Performance was indeed one of the biggest regressions.

Both versions have bugs, this one is just less buggy hahaha. Ideally I would rewrite it again in Scala or Java (or some other strongly typed language), but I can barely find the time for doing so unfortunately.

Yeah, Rust may work too (but no GC, so lots to learn)

I actually did this to get some clues: hacky but helped!

Oohh, that is clever!

I will definitely have to check that out, thanks for sharing! :)