AdmiralenOla / fhiscripts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create - handling multi-contig reference??

vehuardo opened this issue · comments

Dear Sir,

I'm a great admirer of your code!

I have particularly enjoyed the tool 'Create' which ages better than any wine I have tasted so far. I've been spoiled with closed genome reference sequences in the past, but suddenly I find myself in a situation where my reference exists as multiple contigs (!)

I believe the python code referenced above requires that the reference is in a single contig, but Mummer is able to align genomes existing in multiple contigs. An example of how a *.snps.txt output file from a multi-contig assembly aligned to a multi-contig reference with Mummer is pasted below. Do you think it would be possible to add the ability to handle multi-contig references to 'Create' ??

Sincere and utmost regards,


[P1]  [SUB]  [P2]      |   [BUFF]   [DIST]  | [FRM]  [TAGS]

279 G C 394 | 90 279 | 1 1 FRDV01000001.1 FPLE01000001.1
369 T C 484 | 90 369 | 1 1 FRDV01000001.1 FPLE01000001.1
532 T C 647 | 63 532 | 1 1 FRDV01000001.1 FPLE01000001.1
595 A G 710 | 49 595 | 1 1 FRDV01000001.1 FPLE01000001.1
644 T C 759 | 49 644 | 1 1 FRDV01000001.1 FPLE01000001.1
971 C T 1086 | 146 971 | 1 1 FRDV01000001.1 FPLE01000001.1
1117 A G 1232 | 27 1117 | 1 1 FRDV01000001.1 FPLE01000001.1
1144 G A 1259 | 27 1144 | 1 1 FRDV01000001.1 FPLE01000001.1
1224 G A 1339 | 80 1224 | 1 1 FRDV01000001.1 FPLE01000001.1
12532 A G 12430 | 82 12430 | 1 1 FRDV01000086.1 FPLE01000067.1
12614 T C 12512 | 72 12512 | 1 1 FRDV01000086.1 FPLE01000067.1
12686 A G 12584 | 72 12584 | 1 1 FRDV01000086.1 FPLE01000067.1
12766 A T 12664 | 12 12664 | 1 1 FRDV01000086.1 FPLE01000067.1
12778 A T 12676 | 12 12676 | 1 1 FRDV01000086.1 FPLE01000067.1