Actyx / machines

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support Zod in machine-runner

rkuhn opened this issue · comments

With zod being quite user-friendly, it would make sense to allow the state machine to pull in parser and thus improve type-safety. The main issue is that the parser instance needs to be available at runtime, so it needs to be injected by @proto. Possibly like so:

// in machine-runner:
export type AllEvents<T extends z.ZodTypeAny> = z.infer<T>[keyof z.infer<T>]

// in user code:
const Event1 = z.object({ ... })
const Event2 = z.object({ ... })
const Events = z.object({ Event1, Event2 })
type Events = AllEvents<typeof Events>

@proto('my-proto', Events)
class Initial extends State<Events> { ... }

Then the runtime can access the parser instance for an event type using parser.shape[e.type].

The approach will now be via an extension of the MachineEvent designer DSL.

@Kelerchian This is done, right?

Resolved in #59
Closing and thank you for catching it.