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[Bug]: Crash from Stack overflow due to AQL fails beyond certain operand counts in FROM syntax

Kelerchian opened this issue · comments



Operating System


Current behavior

Let us formulate a term first: Tagchain*[n], which stands for an operation of multiple tags with n number of operand.

For example FROM [Tagchain*2] stands for FROM 'tag1' | 'tag2'

Problem: Tagchain*[n] fails with a certain limit of n. The limit decreases following this condition:

  • The Tagchain is a nested operand (-1 for each level of nesting)
  • The Tagchain is a left operand

Limit example:

  • FROM [Tagchain*1006] does not result in
  • FROM [Tagchain*1007] results in stack overflow for exceeding the base limit

Limit decrease behavior example:

FROM [Tagchain*[limit = 1006]]
// 1006 is base limit
FROM 'sometag' & ( [Tagchain*[limit = 1005]] )
// -1 to being nested operand
FROM 'sometag' & ( [Tagchain*[limit = 1004]] ) & 'someothertag'
// -1 to being nested operand
// -1 to being left operand
`FROM ( [Tagchain*[limit = 1004]] ) & ( [Tagchain*[limit = 1004]] ) & ( [Tagchain*[limit = 1004]] ) & ( [Tagchain*[limit = 1005]] )
// right most: -1 being nested operand
// rest: -2 for being both nested operand and left operand
FROM ( [Tagchain*[limit = 1004]] ) & ( ( Tagchain*[limit = 1003] ) & ( Tagchain*[limit = 1004] ) )
// left most: -2 for being both nested operand and left operand
// mid: -1 for being left operand, -2 for being a level-2 nested operand 
// right:  -2 for being a level-2 nested operand 

Expected behavior

Should not overflow?

How to reproduce

Use Actyx["queryAql"] to call AQL with the samples from current behavior section.

For example:

    const sdk = await ActyxSDK.Actyx.of({
        appId: "com.example.trial",
        displayName: "com.example.trial",
        version: "0.1.0",

    const tc = (x: number) =>
        new Array(x)
            .map((_, i) => `"tag:${i}"`)
            .join(" | ");

    await sdk.queryAql({
        query: `FROM (${tc(1005)}) & ((${tc(1003)}) & (${tc(1004)}))`,

Additional notes

  • UX important consideration: While this behavior is not advertised in Actyx docs, this behavior is a potential stand-in for the absent equivalent of WHERE IN syntax in SQL.

  • There might also be limit decrease factor that I did not catch since these rules are derived from observation of phenomena with limited samples.

  • This limit has only been tested in linux-amd64 build of Actyx

Partial mitigation is done in this PR #623.
Now databank does not entirely crash because of stack overflow, but the related query fails with an error/diagnostic event.

I'm revisiting the stack overflow thing to see if I can use stacker::grow and then I remembered that async works differently:

  • async {}.boxed() only constructs the future "state machine"
  • The recursion happens ONLY when .await of the future is called
  • Wrapping the async {}.boxed() inside a stacker::grow only put the construction process and not the recursion itself into the new stack
  • Meanwhile .await is not available because stacker::grow accepts a sync-closure