Aconex / drakov

Mock Server that implements the API Blueprint specification

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

public option not working

engnakagawa opened this issue · comments

$ drakov -f index.apib --public

$ ss -antu | grep 3000
tcp    LISTEN     0      511                  *:* 

$ drakov --version               


// Dockerfile
FROM node:12

RUN npm install -g drakov

CMD ["bash"]
$ docker build . -t drakov                                           
$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/app -w /app -p "3000:3000" drakov bash

hello 調子はいかがですか?

Worked with v1.0.4, not the latest version.

@shimojomasatsugu thank you <3

but I keep opened this issue until fix latest version.

@engnakagawa Does it work if I add true to the option?

drakov -f index.apib --public true

👍 It works for me!