AccessLite / BoardingPass

It's going to be a difficult journey, Be sure you're prepared.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


It's going to be a difficult journey, Be sure you're prepared.


Consider all of the following before you decide you'd like to participate. I will be guiding you through a multi-week long project that is going to demand your attention on a daily basis. You will have two leaders: the technical lead and the project manager. I will be assuming both roles and you must treat them separately.



  1. You must complete the project in the allotted time. Failure to do so will disqualify you from continuing the project in the coming weeks.
  2. You must have a daily check-in with me via the AccessLite slack to discuss your prior day's progress in addition to what you plan on doing on the current day.
  3. Your code must be clear and follow my guidelines
    • We will be defining a style guide as we go, but it's going to look like the code I write in class.
  4. Commit messages must be (at least) minimally descriptive.
    • Don't end up on LastNightsCommit
  5. You must be available via screen sharing if you need my assistance in paired programming.
    • Screenhero has been added to AccessLite slack, so create an account for that at a convenient point.
  6. Do not ask your tech lead a question you haven't already googled.
  7. If you cannot solve your problem after googling it, prepare a specific question for your tech lead.
  8. Tech lead will provided some scaffolding for your code, but you will be responsible for the rest.
  9. You cannot work on the project during Access Code hours.
  10. Your tech lead has final say on implementation & code. You are free to disagree, as long as you can back your code with fact.
  11. Your project manager has final say on timing & design. You are free to disagree, as long as you can defend your changes.
  12. Log all of you bugs before the end of each day.

Project Details:

We're going to be making a relatively simple app with the elevator pitch in mind:

"Sometimes positivity doesn't get your point across. Send your contacts cheeky, customized messages of counter-inspiration with 'Bite Your Thumb.' Powered by FoaaS."

The app will make use of the F*ck Off As A Service API to display a message on screen that can be copy-pasted to later send your colleagues. We will have a pre-canned list of possible phrases, along with their customization parameters, to be presented to a user so that they can customize their message. While the UI will be simple, the actual code will leverage what you've learned in AccessCode up to this point. Some things will potentially be new, so you're going to be a bit resourceful in how you execute the project.


Length of Project

I don't have a definitive time frame for how long the project will last, but ideally this will be a 3/4-week project that will require something in the range of 8-15 hours/wk to complete (your results may vary).

Deadlines & Communication

If you decide you're interested, the hard deadline is 10pm today (Monday Nov 21). At 10:05pm, invites will be going out to a new Github organization, Slack team, and Trello board. Depending on overall interest, I may have to limit the number of folks I can agree to oversee; if that ends up being the case, you'll be notified directly.

All communications for this project will be done over the team slack (AccessLite), and should not be mentioned in AccessCode -- nor should you be doing this project during class time.

Signing Up

Please notify me through direct message in Slack (AccessCode) with your github account name, and the email address you'd like to use.

This project should be considered ancillery to your regular responsibilities and is more of a way to feel a tiny bit of what "real" development feels like.


It's going to be a difficult journey, Be sure you're prepared.

License:MIT License