AcalaNetwork / hardhat-tutorials

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Deploying contract tx failed: "Error: (Awaiting internal transactions for reason)"

nick8319 opened this issue · comments

Expected Behavior

Contract with address 0xbb6986fbD3940b8d446c7398B8D49c5aC7EE879a is deployed and accessible via explorer

Actual Behavior

Hardhat reported that contract created:
yarn deploy-mandala:pubDev
yarn run v1.22.15
$ hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network mandalaPubDev
AdvancedEscrow address: 0xbb6986fbD3940b8d446c7398B8D49c5aC7EE879a
Done in 10.52s.

But in fact transaction failed:
EVM tx
Substrate tx

EVM error: Error: (Awaiting internal transactions for reason)
Substrate error: ReserveStorageFailed

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Setup developer substrate account and bind it to evm account as per documentation and fund it with ACA tokens.
  2. Clone hardhat-tutorials/advanced-escrow repo.
  3. Configure private key for EVM account from Step 1.
  4. Run
    • yarn
    • yarn deploy-mandala:pubDev

@nick8319 would you mind pulling the up to date code and reproducing the issue? I tried doing it, but the smart contract deployed without any issues.

@ThunderDeliverer Actually, as I was told on Discord the next day after I raised this issue, that the Acala Mandala Testnet was upgraded, and after upgrade it works fine and I cannot reproduce this anymore.
I think we can close this one.