AbsaOSS / cobrix

A COBOL parser and Mainframe/EBCDIC data source for Apache Spark

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Add an ability to provide a custom record extractor

yruslan opened this issue · comments


Custom record header parsers have several limitations:

  • They can only be used to parse records that have record headers at the beginning of the record
  • They don't account for record footers
  • Thay cannot be used to parse files having record separators instead of headers (e.g. text files where records are separated by LF)
  • They cannot be used to parse files for which record length depends on the record number (See #336 for files having RDW+BDW)

A new way of handling variable-length records has been introduced to parse ASCII variable line length files and binary files with variable length OCCURS that don't have RDWs.

The interface of a raw record extractor is very simple. It is an iterator of record bytes in a file.

trait RawRecordExtractor extends Iterator[Array[Byte]]

The array of bytes for each record is going to be parsed according to the copybook. The record extractor has the freedom to parse records however it wants.


Raw record extractors can be adapted to make record extractor customizable, which fixed the issues 1-4.

For exampe a custom raw record parser can look like this,

class CustomRawRecordExtractor(startingRecordIndex: Int, data: SimpleStream, copybook: Copybook) extends RawRecordExtractor

The record index is needed since after a sparse index is generated the input file will be read in parallel staring from different offsets.

Thanks @yruslan for looking into this for me, it looks like you are fairly far along on this already, but I wanted to point you to a resource that I think encapsulates the use cases that I believe Cobrix should cover:


  • Fixed
  • Fixed Blocked
  • Variable
  • Variable Blocked

For my own work I am unconcerned with the undefined format, but those 4 would cover all of my use cases.

Currently the fixed and variable options are working correctly, so i think it's just a matter of adding support for the blocked versions. If someone has usage of the undefined format, they could create a custom extractor for their use case.

Thanks, @mark-weghorst , this is very helpful. Looks like with record extractors all 4 types are perfectly doable. It would still be nice to have an example for blocked file types so we are sure we are not missing anything. RDWs can be big-endian or little-endian, for instance.