Abhilash-Chandran / number_inc_dec

A flutter widget to accept numeric inputs with button to increment and decrement.

Home Page:https://pub.dev/packages/number_inc_dec

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using this widget inside a `ListView` shows the artifacts outside the `ListView` boundary.

Abhilash-Chandran opened this issue · comments

Using both the NumberInputWithIncrementDecrement and NumberInputPrefabbed inside a ListView shows the respective background decoration of the increment/decrement buttons outside the ListView. This is a known issue in flutter and is related to the Ink widget used internally.

A different approach should be created perhaps using the MaterialButton widget. But this means the type of decoration of the increment and decrement button should be adapted and its a breaking change. 😞 So I will wait for the main issue to be fixed at at first and then provide.

Another option is to deprecate the existing option and use a different implementation without affecting existing users.

Existing users can use change the cacheExtent of ListView to 0 to avoid this issue. However this may lead to performance issue in the ListView scrolling.
