Abhilash-Chandran / number_inc_dec

A flutter widget to accept numeric inputs with button to increment and decrement.

Home Page:https://pub.dev/packages/number_inc_dec

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Expose all the relevant attributes of TextFormField.

Abhilash-Chandran opened this issue · comments

In its current, many of TextformField attributes are hidden from the user. While not all of attribute are relevant, a number of attributes should be exposed to the user. Following are relevant fields I find missing.

  1. FocusNode focusNode
  2. TextInputAction textInputAction
  3. StrutStyle strutStyle
  4. TextDirection textDirection
  5. TextAlign textAlign
  6. TextAlignVertical textAlignVertical
  7. bool autofocus
  8. bool readOnly
  9. ToolbarOptions toolbarOptions
  10. bool showCursor
  11. ValueChanged<String> onChanged already done
  12. GestureTapCallback onTap
  13. VoidCallback onEditingComplete
  14. ValueChanged<String> onFieldSubmitted already done
  15. FormFieldSetter<String> onSaved

If someone else finds any other relevant field missing, please comment below those fields.