Abdelrhman-AK / WinPaletter

Advanced Windows Appearance Editor

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Crashes every time I hit apply on Win 11

Mac3DX opened this issue · comments

I'm not an expert but I would like to report my experience with the App. I'm using Win 11 latest version and every time I change something and press apply the app no longer responds. I also can't change the color and patterns of the mouse pointer.


At which phase (in theme log) does it crash?

At which phase (in theme log) does it crash?

All operations are done.
even I don't modify imageres.dll. and no errors.
maybe 3rd party conflict?

At which phase (in theme log) does it crash?

All operations are done. even I don't modify imageres.dll. and no errors. maybe 3rd party conflict?

오류 있는 응용 프로그램 이름: Explorer.EXE, 버전: 10.0.25967.1000, 타임스탬프로: 0x415d6b52
오류 있는 모듈 이름: Taskbar.View.dll, 버전: 2023.25605.0.0, 타임스탬프: 0x6501bc7b
예외 코드: 0xc000027b
오류 오프셋: 0x00000000000191aa
오류 처리 ID: 0x844C
오류 응용 프로그램 시작 시간: 0x1D9FE928D9EF7E9
Faulting 응용 프로그램 경로: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
Faulting 모듈 경로: C:\WINDOWS\SystemApps\MicrosoftWindows.Client.Core_cw5n1h2txyewy\Taskbar.View.dll
Report Id: c38852b5-b9fc-41d9-8948-13505a75c2a9
Faulting 패키지 전체 이름:
Faulting 패키지 상대 응용 프로그램 ID:

or Windows bug??

It is mainly a Windows bug.
Try disabling explorer restart: https://github.com/Abdelrhman-AK/WinPaletter/wiki/Disable-Explorer-restart