AZOrange is a customization for the open source software Orange. Installation (Using Ubuntu Precise Pangolin 12.04): =============================================================================== 1) Install all available system updates 2) Download the '.tar.gz' latest version of AZOrange from 3) Extract the code from the downloaded file: tar xfz TheDownloadedFileName 4) Step into AZCompTox-AZOrange-XXXXXXX/install cd AZCompTox-AZOrange-XXXXXXX/install 5) Prepare the system with 3rd party dependencies (inside the <installDir>/AZOrange/install dir): ./ 6) Create/configure a setup.ini file from a template (inside the <installDir>/AZOrange/install dir): cp setup.ini.ubuntu setup.ini 7) Edit the setup.ini to configure the destination install dir: installDir = YourDesiredInstallFullPath 7.1) Configure other settings if needed accordingly to your system. 7.2) If using Ubuntu 10.04-64bits, also make the following changes: a) Change python version: PYTHON_VER = 2.6 b) disable ftm: ;ftm =,0.1 8) Start the installation scripts (inside the <installDir>/AZOrange/install dir): python 9) After successful installation, there will be 3 ways of starting AZOrange: a) Click in the orange Icon installed in the Desktop (available if the installer found a way of creating it) b) In a terminal window, at the installDir, run the AZOrange start script: ./startAZOrange c) Manually change shell, load the correct environment and start the application: tcsh source <installDir>/templateProfile azorange Testing AZOrange installation =============================================================================== 1) Start a tcsh shell: tcsh 2) Load the AZOrange environment: source <installDir>/templateProfile 3) Change to the tests directory: cd $AZORANGEHOME/tests 4) Start the tests: ./ Docummentation =============================================================================== Please refer to the paper: There are some examples and documentation in: <installDir>/doc That is it!