AWaselnuk / new-centre-ca

Jekyll project for

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a simple Jekyll site for the project.

Get started on Windows

If you are using Windows, you might not have Git installed. You should start by installing Git before moving on to the main setup below.

Get started

  1. Install Ruby 2.3.3. Be sure to follow the instructions most appropriate for your operating system.
  2. Install Bundler. gem install bundler
  3. Install Jekyll. gem install jekyll
  4. Navigate to the project directory (using the change directory command)
    1. Run bundle install to install the dependencies.
    2. Run jekyll serve to build the site. You should see it in your web browser at http://localhost:4000

More info

This website is built with Jekyll using the Athena theme.

Read the Jekyll docs for more information on how to write blog posts.

Read the Markdown cheatsheet to learn how to format blog posts.

Writing workflow

Here is a suggested workflow for writing a blog post.

  1. Navigate to the project directory (New centre folder)
  2. Make sure your local Git repository is up to date. git pull
  3. Copy the template file in the _drafts folder. Change the name of the file and the front matter to reflect the current date and whatever the article will be called.
  4. Choose a category. I think we should just have two for now: articles and conference.
  5. Run jekyll serve --drafts to preview your work in a web browser.
  6. When you are finished writing the article, commit your changes to git by saving the file and then typing. git add . && git commit -am 'Your message here'.
    • An example of a good message is 'Added draft for post about terminology'. Keep it short, relevant to the work you did, and in the past tense.
  7. Update the remote Git repository with git push origin master.

Publishing a post

When you are ready to publish a post, you simply have to move the post to the _posts folder and update the Git repository.

  1. Move the post from _drafts to _posts.
  2. Update Git with git add . && git commit -am 'Moved post to posts folder'
  3. Update the remote GIt repository with git push origin master.
  4. The post should be live in under a minute.

Idea backlog using Issues

We can create a backlog of ideas or work we want done on the website using Github Issues. Try to write Issues in such a way that there is a clear criteria for resolving them.

Peer reviewed articles

Using Github, we can leverage sophisticated tools for reviewing articles or website content as a team. Once we get more comfortable with the basic publishing workflow, we can write up docs for how to do reviews on Github.


Jekyll project for


Language:HTML 40.9%Language:CSS 37.9%Language:Ruby 21.2%