AUTOMATIC1111 / TraderShips

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'Dubs Rimatomics' Trader Ship Never Lands

0-expectations opened this issue · comments

EDIT: Confirmed on the Dubs Mods discord that it's just due to the trader ship from Rimatomics being a custom spawn / event.

I've narrowed this down to either 'Dubs Rimatomics', 'Trade Ships Drop Spot', or this mod. For some reason the Rimatomics trade ship never lands and can only be interacted with via the comm console with these 3 mods running.

The save I'm running right now is extremely minimalistic, as I've been trying for a few hours to figure out a way to get these 3 mods to place nice with one another.

Here's my mod-list:
Dubs Rimatomics
Trade Ships Drop Spot
Trader Ships

Not sure if there's a known-incompatibility with any of these 3 mods, but it's surprising that traders from every mod except Dubs Rimatomics seem to work fine with TraderShips.