Tracing on Nexus 6 (Adreno GPU)
hedejing opened this issue · comments
I want to trace an app on Nexus 6 (Adreno GPU). I have followed the instructions in the manual to build the libraries and install fakedriver and interceptor. But after I ran and closed the app, no "Close trace file" showed up in logcat and no trace file was created.
I had tried setting FlushTraceFileEveryFrame to true in tracerparams.cfg, but still nothing was created.
I noticed that in /project/android/egltrace/ there is an README which says "After reboot, the interceptor will be enabled", but when I reboot Nexus was stuck on Google logo at start up and I had to flash it..
So I think maybe PATrace does not support for Adreno GPU? (since the implementation of Interceptor is related to Mali drivers?) If I want to use PATrace, is mobiles with Mail GPU a better choice?
Unfortunately, we have not used and tested the tracer for other GPUs than Mali.
Got it. Thanks for your reply.
However, the retracer should work on any Android device.